10. "Behind my back."

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"Behind my back"

It's been two weeks since Ms.Pullins also known as Melanie, told me she was pregnant. It took me by surprise because I didnt recall having sex unprotected. I may be a teenager but I'm not stupid. I believed her when said it was mine, she didn't give me reasons to think otherwise. Its been quite awhile anyone has seen nor heard from Ms.Pullins at school. The principal said she was out sick which concerned me. I wondered did it have anything to do with the pregnancy. You know in those beginning phases, females get nauseous but that's just what I heard. Anyways it was just another day at school for me. Since quitting basketball, I've had a lot of time to focus on my studies and spend time with my girlfriend. Yeah me and Brianna are still together, barely holding on.

She's getting so damn clingy nowadays. It's starting to piss me of too. Like she's always there, every time I turn around: "Hi babe!" I mean can I ever just get two seconds to myself. I grabbed my english textbook from the locker and closed it. Startling me, I saw Brianna there smiling which scared the fuck out of me.

"Damn girl. You can't be just popping out on people like that, I started to knock yo' ass out." I mumbled the last part and began walking to class.

She giggled, "Sorry babe. I missed you!" Brianna linked our arms as we walked.

"I just saw you last night."

"Okay?" She replied, offended by my response.

"Sorry I'm just in a glum mood," I sighed.

"What's bothering you babe?" Brianna asked in concern.

Well our teacher, who I've been secretly seeing is pregnant- thats what bothering me.

"Uh you know.. just family problems," I half lied. My ma was still seeing Tony's freeloading ass unfortunately and we're always bickering because of him.

She frowned, "Aw Ray. You heard Ms.Pullins is back?"

I widened my eyes, "She is!?" Realizing how enthusiastic I sounded, I corrected myself: "I mean, she is?"

Breaunna nodded and rolled her eyes slightly. "She's a pain in my ass."

"Because of your grades?"

"Obviously she has something against me Ray! I don't understand how I'm not getting anything higher than a C."

"Bri be realistic. Why would she be failing you on purpose? Ms.Pullins ain't like that."

"How would you know?" She asked before we could enter the room.

Damn, I'm getting caught up. "I don't know."


I followed her inside the classroom which was already filled. I'm surprised everyone was on time today. Almost immediately, my eyes met with Ms.Pullins. She looked at me with guilt of some sort. I was confused but I decided I'd leave that alone. She doesn't sick, a little sad but not ill. She wore this cream colored sleek dress, covered with a brown leather jacket and tall boots.

Like usual I took my sit in the second row, closer to the window. Looking outside always helped me think better honestly.

"Good morning. As you all know I've been out of work due to a temporary illness. I'm better now so everything will be going back to normal. I have received the feedback from the substitute and I'm very impressed with you all. Thank you for being respectful," she said with a forced smile.

Everyone nodded in response well most of us.

"Now this morning, I'll give you guys a simple task. You're going to use your textbooks and define thirty of our recent vocab words. Easy right?"

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