5. "Kiss."

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I don't even know what I was thinking earlier. Kissing my teacher- what the hell is wrong with me? If I'm not mistaking she was also leaning in. Maybe I'm tripping. For the remainder of the day I was just quiet, in my own world. Each class I was either falling asleep or daydreaming. But during practice this dream seemed much like a reality...


"Oh Rayan..." A soft angelic voice called causing me to caused me to lift my head from the desk.

My eyes grew big, watching Ms.Pullins walk towards me. She began unbuttoning her top revealing a laced black bra. Her breast sat up perfectly. With her left hand she pulled off her rubber band, allowing her long brown hair to fall. I was mesmerized by how beautiful she is.

"M-Ms.Pullins what are-"

"Shh...I just want to show you a good time Rayan. Isn't this what you want sweetheart?" She whispers in my ear, while unzipping my North Face jacket.

I couldn't speak. My mouth would open but it seems as if nothing came out. I was hypnotized by her that easily. Ms.Pullins grabbed my hand as I stood up from the chair. She walked me to her desk pushing me up against it. She had this look in her eyes, like I was her prey or something. As she began tugging on my belt and unbuckling I felt my "friend" getting excited. She grabbed it with her hand, stroking slowly.

"You like that don't you?" Ms.Pullins whispers softly in my ear. I bit my bottom lip in pleasure as she slid down.

"I don't think we should-" My protest was cut short due to her gliding her tongue across my erection. Without any struggle, she begins sucking and licking all over my friend.

My eyelids shut in pure ecstasy. I gently grabbed her hair for balance, as she took more into her mouth. This was wrong but I couldn't stop her. She had me moaning and grunting within ten minutes. Soon I felt myself about to climax. Without any warning, I shot right info her mouth. She swallowed every last bit, licking over the tip and kissing it afterwards.

My eyes opened shortly and my heartbeat increased tremendously. We starred at eachother intensively wondering who'd make the next move. I roamed my eyes up and down her body, then before I knew it she was on top of me.


"Ray!" Coach Carter yells causing me to snap my head up. Damn. Daydreaming at basketball practice about Ms.Pullins- again. This shit has to end.


"I said if you keep zoning out, I guarantee you'll be on the bench Friday. Go run two laps." He ordered everyone and blew his whistle.

I sighed then glanced down. Thank god I didn't get a hard-on. Now that would've been embarrassing man. I lifted up off the bleachers in my basketball shorts and jogged down. We had to run laps inside because its wet out on the track. I began running along side to Daniel and Corahn.

"Yo what's been going on with you lately man?" Daniel asked raising his eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been out of it bruh. Something going on wit you?" He questioned with concern.

I shook my head. "Nah just dealing with some weird shit."

"Like what?" Corahn asked.

"I don't even want to talk about it. Just drop it." I mumbled running past both of them.

While doing my laps, I overheard a familiar voice. I glanced over to see Brianna giggling with her friends. Ocassionally she'd look at me then giggle again. I found Bri adorable, very different from most girls. I think I'm starting to like her more than before. I just don't know if I'm ready for the whole "relationship" shit.  Once I was done, I gathered all my belongings and left out the locker room. I didn't feel like hanging with the guys tonight. Practice is exhausting and I just need to sleep. I threw my gym bag around my shoulder then walked out the backdoor. The parking lots were empty and it was pretty dark out. I pulled out my car keys then proceeded to leave.

"Well can you send someone to tow it or something?" A sustained voice sighed from not too far. "I need my car to get home but it isn't starting up. Tomorrow!? No I need it fixed now..."

I looked out to see someone sitting on the sidewalk, with their head down and sighing again. Me being the person I am I walked over to get a closer look.


She lifted her her head. "Rayan? What are you doing here?"

"Just leaving practice. Is everything okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine, my car just won't start. It's been doing this for the past week now." She said in frustration standing up from the sidewalk.

"Well what are you gonna do?"

"Probably call a cab."

I nodded. "I could drop you off if you didn't feel like waiting."

She smiled and shook her head. "No its getting late. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble sweetheart."

"Its only eight thirty, my parents- my mom wouldn't mind."

"Well if its okay with them.."

"Come on." I chuckled a bit.

Ms.Pullins grabbed her purse and cellphone following me to the car. I didnt mind taking her home. I wouldn't just make her wait all night for a cab. Before getting inside, I went over to the passenger side and opened her door.

"Thank you Rayan." She said softly before getting in.

"No problem." I replied and got in on the passenger side. I started up the car, then switched the heat on. It was cold outside. "So uh.. where do you live?"

"You know in the meadows? You've been there before."

"I forgot." I laughed. 

She nodded her head then smiled. "Its kinda far, I know. You don't have to-"

"Its fine Ms.Pullins."

"Alright then."

While driving, I flipped through the radio stations but they were all on commercials. So I just cut it off, resulting in awkward silence. I meam what am I suppose to say? She's my teacher so I don't want to say the wrong thing. Though we communicate through messages- it feels different being around her. I get all nervous which is rare.

"So are you excited about your first basketball game?" She asked.

"Somewhat." I said nonchalantly.

"I know you're going to be great."


"Because I've played with you but I won." She stated confidently.

"That's only because I wasn't looking."

She dramatically laughed. "Oh please. Don't be embarrassed you lost to girl."

"I'm not... but it was by default."

"Whatever you say ba...Rayan." She quickly corrected looking out the window.

I decided to pretend I didn't hear what she said. Just a slip up. About fifteen minutes later, I arrived at the meadows. The houses around here were like mini mansions or something. Ms.Pullins pointed hers out then I pulled up towards the front. I couldnt remember exactly which one it was. She grabbed her things then looked over at me.

"Thank you so much Rayan."

"You're welcome..."

Suddenly we both leaned in again but neither of us pulled away. I don't even know what I was thinking but it felt right. She cupped my face with her hands, pressing her lips onto mine. I wanted to stop but my conscious was telling me not to. She tilted her head slightly tugging my lip, gliding her tongue inside. Hesitantly, I rolled my tongue over hers, holding her waist.


Finally updated lol. Sorry for the wait but I've been busy.

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♡ Aiyana :)

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