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Melanie fluttered her eyes open in hopes to be laying next to Rayan but instead, she felt nothing but cold sheets. She sighed and sat up realizing she was home. The sound of her alarm clock was annoying so she snatched out the plug. It was Monday which meant time for another day of work. Although she was extremely tired, Melanie pulled herself together and got ready for today. She went into the bathroom to complete her morning necessities, getting dressed afterwards.

Before heading out the door, she starred at herself in the full length mirror and blew air from her mouth. She wore a fitted nude dress that hugged her curves perfectly and a pair of black heels. Her auburn haired hung perfectly on her shoulders with a beautiful glow covering her face. Melanie shrugged and grabbed her belongings then fled out to the car.

As usual she arrived to school earlier than needed, to get prepared for the long day ahead. Melanie walked inside, making her way down to her classroom. She waved to the other staff members and unlocked her classroom door. She went inside then flicked the light switches on, taking a deep breath. Mondays were always her least favorite days out of the week. Just as she began writing the objective on the promethean board, the door creaked open. In walked Landon with a bouquet of flowers.

Melanie's mouth gaped, not expecting him to show up at her jobs. She quickly shut her door and gently pushed Landon away from view. He starred at her with confusion as she sighed.

"Landon you can't just show up at my job! Its highly inappropriate and unprofessional." She whispered- while yelling some.

"Relax Melanie I was just bringing you some flowers and your favorite green tea." He replied.

She took the flowers and examined them carefully. "Tulips. These are beautiful Landon, thank you."

"You're welcome. You don't seem happy to see me though,"

"I am happy to see you i'm sorry. How've you been?" Melanie asked while placing her flowers into the handmade vase.

He sunk his hands into his pockets, shrugging. "I'm alright but I could be better. What about yourself?"

"Fine.. thanks for asking. You're looking very dapper this morning Landon, headed to the office?"

"Yeah I've got a few early appointments this morning but thanks. You're beautiful as always."

She blushed and began writing on the board again, glancing at him occasionally. "Oh stop it..."

"Its only the truth Melanie." He flashed that infamous smile that made her knees weak. "What are your plans this evening?"

"I'm free tonight."

"In that case, how about we go out, you know as two friends?"

Melanie bit the side of her lips and thought about it. "Um s-sure Landon. That would be nice."

Landon nodded. "We'll go see a movie around eight and i'll take you to our favorite place. How's that?"

"Alrighty mister, don't be please, you know how much I hate it." She finished on the board.

"I promise. I gotta get going but it was great seeing you Mel." Landon said as she walked closer to him.

The two exchanged a hug which drifted off longer than they both expected. Melanie didn't even notice door opening and in walked Brianna, Rayan, and Daniel. Rayan squinted his eyes just to make sure he was seeing correctly. He noticed how low Landon's hands were around her waist and he didn't like it. Purposely he coughed causing the two to quickly break apart. Melanie widened her eyes as Rayan shook his head, walking to his desk.

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