"This was not my intention."

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Dream and George were awake, lying in the guest room of Sapnap's house. Dream was laying with George's back pressed against his chest. Just basking in each other's presence. "How come you don't want to cuddle with Sapnap?" George laughed to himself.

"I don't know. Don't you think it would be a little awkward? Plus, you don't like being the big spoon." George said as he dug his head into the pillow that the two of them were sharing. Dream scoffed lightly, "George, you are literally the little spoon right now. Crazy accusations with no evidence."

George turned around to look at him. "I just don't want Sapnap to feel uncomfortable. We've always joked about cuddling and kissing the homies goodnight, but you're not my homie," George took a breath before continuing.

"And I'm not saying we're not friends, because you're my best friend. But things have changed since we made those jokes." Dream nodded, before rubbing his boyfriend's cheek lightly. "This is our new normal, George. We're dating and we don't plan on breaking up. We can't let that stop us from cuddling with our homie. And Sapnap doesn't think it would be weird."

George's nose scrunched up, "Okay. But we have to be subtle about it, we can't make it too obvious." Dream laughed lightly, placing a bunch of kisses on George's face. The two continued to sit there with each other, making jokes.

About an hour later, Sapnap burst into the guest room, seeing both of his friends dressed and ready for the day. Sapnap had a confused look on his face, "Why are you two awake? I was going to scare you." George was speechless for a second, "Sapnap, it's noon? We've been up for hours."

"You could've woke me up. I don't want you two to feel like you aren't welcome."

Dream rolled his eyes, "Dude, we were fine. We just sat in here on our phones." George nodded in agreement.

They soon moved to the living room. The TV was on, but they had turned down the volume so that they could hear each other better. George was sitting on the floor with his back up against the coffee table and Dream's hand on his knee.

Dream's phone rang, seeing a FaceTime call from Tommy. He quickly picked up, not thinking about his face being perfectly in the frame. George quickly looked over at his boyfriend, "Dream, what are you doing?" But before George could do anything to stop him, Tommy's face could be seen on his screen.

Tommy's eyes widened at the sight of the blonde, "Holy fucking shit. This was not my intention in making this call." Dream remembered Sapnap mentioning earlier that Tommy was doing an early stream today, "Tommy, I gave you my number to call me, not to FaceTime me."

"Mother got mad at me for making international calls," Tommy explained nervously. Dream could tell that Tommy felt like he messed up, "Tommy, it's not that big of a deal. Keep going with your stream, and we can talk about this later. But what did you need?"

"Uh- it's not important, go back to the guys. I'll call you later." Tommy quickly hung up, Dream laughed before quickly pulling up Tommy's stream on his phone.

Tommy's Minecraft character was stood frozen and Tommy was just staring into his webcam. It was another minute before he finally spoke, "You guys saw nothing. Pretend that didn't happen, please." He continued on with his stream as nothing had happened.

The three sat in the living room laughing about the situation that just occurred. Continuing to talk about various topics until Tommy called Dream for the second time that day. Dream went to the guest room so that he could talk to Tommy alone. Seeing Dream's face caught him off guard again, "Hey, Big D. How is everyone doing?"

"We're good. How are you feeling?" Dream said as Tommy's smile fell a little bit. Tommy ran a hand through his hair, "I just feel bad. I wasn't thinking straight. You deserve that privacy and I took a little from you."

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