"I thought he was."

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The day after Sapnap's birthday started differently, with Sapnap having to take his mom to the airport.

When Sapnap got back, he planned to wake his friends up but felt guilty waking them up that early. However, George woke up when he heard the door open.

"Sapnap, what are you doing? What time is it?" George rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Sapnap looked down at his watch, "It's almost 4:30. I had to take my mom to the airport."

George nodded lightly before lifting up the comforter, "Come lay down, Sappy. It's too early for all of us to be awake." Sapnap smiled as he climbed into the bed behind George. George leaned against Sapnap's chest, "I really like Elodie."

"I'm glad. I thought you two would think that she's too pretentious," Sapnap said as he ran a hand through George's hair. "What would the fans call her?"

"Nothing, because we aren't going to tell them about her. I don't want her to feel obligated to be in the spotlight, Georgie." The older boy sighed, "Can we stop calling me that, maybe? It just reminds me of my dad, and he just reminds me of my mum." George turned around to face Sapnap.

"Can you explain to me exactly what happened with her? It's okay if you don't want to."

George stared at Sapnap, who seemed more tender than normal. "I went over to my parents to help set up their internet in late November, where my mum told me that I was lonely and needed to stop working so much."

Sapnap listened to George explain everything, from asking Dream to come for Christmas to his grandpa being homophobic on Christmas Eve. "I just wasn't wanted by them. I try not to think about them, but everything is a constant reminder."

"I'm sorry, George. I'm glad you told me. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be there to listen." George nodded, trying to keep the tears in his eyes.

Dream started to stir awake, seeing Sapnap comforting George. He gave Sapnap a questioning look. "Sweetheart, did something happen?" George wiped his eyes, not letting a single tear leave his eyes.

"I'm fine. I was just telling Sap about everything that happened with my mom. I'm okay, though. Don't worry about me." Dream hugged George's back, "I always worry about you."

George nodded as Sapnap hugged him, George being trapped between the two, "I'm fine. Can we just go back to sleep? It's still early." Dream kissed behind George's ear, "Are you sure George? It's okay if you're not fine. I was there and it was a lot. You don't have to keep that burden to yourself."

George tried to break away from their grasp, "Let go of me. I said I was fine. I'm going to go sleep on the couch. Don't follow me, or I'll really be upset." George climbed over Sapnap, quickly closing the door behind him.

Sapnap looked at Dream, who had his face in his hands. "I don't get why he's being like that," Sapnap stated. Dream shook his head, "His parents are just a touchy subject, Sapnap. We can't understand, we have good relationships with our parents. He's never had anyone in his corner." Sapnap nodded lightly.

Dream continued, "He just needs time. He doesn't like showing people this side of him to people. We just need to let him be, but also let him know that we're here for him if he needs us."

Eventually, all three of the boys fell back asleep, waking up about five hours later. Dream and Sapnap slowly found something to eat, making sure to stay quiet so they wouldn't wake up George.

When George woke up, it was obvious that he felt a little guilty about what had happened earlier. They all sat on the couch, not talking.

"I'm sorry about earlier, guys. Nobody gets me worked up as my mum does. I just wish she didn't, but it's just how I feel." George was picking at his fingers, Dream sat next to him, "That's okay, sweetheart. We aren't mad, we're just worried about you."

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