"I'm gonna forget this ever happened."

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cw// tangled spoilers LMAO

They started their day at around 3 pm, wanting to go to the store to pick up things for their movie marathon with Addison. Dream and George walked through the store picking up anything they think they might need. They just held hands as they walked through. They slowly made their way to the register, George handed cash to the lady at the register.

The two made their way out of the store hand in hand, Dream looked down, "You didn't have to pay for all this, I was going to." George brushed him off, grabbing Dream's hand into his own, "You're overreacting a little, Clay. It was, like, $20. I have money too, dummy."

Dream wrapped his arm around George's shoulders, "I know that. I just wanna spoil you." George sat down in the passenger seat, "Well, I asked if we could do the movie night while I was here, so I'm paying for the snacks."

"The only snack I need is sitting next to me," Dream winked at George. He reached over to grab the blonde man's hand, "Okay weirdo, no need to behave like that." Dream brought his lips to George's hand, kissing it lightly.

The two made the short drive to Dream's parent's house to pick up Addison. Dream leaned over the console, kissing George's forehead lightly, "I'll be right back, just going to grab Addison real quick." George nodded, pulling his phone out of his pocket. Dream slowly made his way to the front door.

He used his key to unlock the door, slowly making his way through the house. He saw his brother sitting on the living room couch doing his homework, "Hey, Mason. How's it going?" His brother waved lightly, "I'm good. Just trying to finish my junior year strong. George still in town?"

"Yeah, he's in the car. Just came to pick up Addison to watch movies, you're more than welcome to join," Dream walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Mason shook his head lightly, "Nah, I have a big test tomorrow. Maybe next time George is in town."

Dream patted his brother on the back, "Alright, dude. But if you change your mind, just come on over. You're always welcome there." Mason smiled lightly up at his brother, "Thanks, Clay."

Dream slowly made his way up to Addison's room. He could hear her talking to someone, assuming she was talking to Tommy. She opened the door, letting him come in, "You talking to Tommy?" She shook her head, telling him not to talk about him. He heard another teenage girl's voice from, "Who the hell is Tommy, Addison?"

Dream cut in quickly, "He's one of my friends. Needed advice to talking to his little sister. Told him to talk to mine to gain a young girl's perspective." Dream tried to play off, Addison's friend seemed to believe him. "George is waiting for us in the car, so I'd get a move on it." She nodded, "Bye Mel, I'll see you tomorrow."

She quickly hung up, looking over to her brother, "Sorry, I'm almost ready. She called me out of nowhere, needing my homework. Probably the worst person to be on FaceTime with while you're in my room." Dream watched his sister stuff all her school things into her backpack, "Why's that?"

"Oh, she's a big Minecraft fan. I try to avoid her because she's a little bit of a DreamNotFound fan. And she shoves it in your face. She doesn't know she's talking about my brother and his boyfriend. Frankly, I don't want to think about the two of you doing things with each other, so I avoid her," Addison looked at her brother, flinging her backpack on. Dream stared at his sister, "Alright, I'm gonna forget this ever happened, and we're gonna go watch Tangled. Sound like a plan?"

Addison nodded her head quickly and they started to walk downstairs. Dream stopping by their mom, giving her a kiss on the cheek. They made their way to the car. George waved at the sight of them, "Hey Addison, how's your day been so far?" She smiled at him lightly, "It's been good. Glad you suggested we do the movie night while you're here. I'm excited."

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