"You're such a nerd."

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Sorry that this chapter took 52 days for me to update. This chapter literally made me unmotivated when it came to this story. Hopefully, my updates will be a little more consistent now. Thank you for your continued support. I appreciate it immensely. Enjoy chapter 5 of Can't Stop Thinking of You. :)

It wasn't odd for George to wake in the middle of the night. Whether he was thirsty or had to go to the bathroom, he never really slept completely through the night. George had woken up around 4:30 am, feeling thirsty. George quietly let go of Dream, walking lightly to the kitchen.

George stopped when he saw a light coming from the couch, walking closer, he saw Sapnap's fingers moving fast on the keyboard, "Sapnap, why aren't you sleeping?" Sapnap looked nervous seeing his friend, "Oh, I'm doing a project. Real-life doesn't stop because your best friends are in town."

"Sorry we didn't think about your school when planning the trip," George said as he sat next to Sapnap. Sapnap patted George's knee, "No, it's okay. Most of my classes are online at the moment, but that just makes the work harder."

George nodded looking at the code on the computer, "What are you even doing? None of these lines add up to be something." Sapnap shrugged his shoulders, erasing a few of the lines, "I don't know, Gogy. I'm just trying to turn something in so I won't get a zero. One thing I can code is a Minecraft plugin, and right now in my life, that's all I need to know."

George took the laptop, making the corrections needed, "I think that looks good. You should run it, but that should be right. How long have you been awake?" Sapnap looked down at his watch, "Well, I didn't sleep before taking my mom to the airport yesterday, and I woke up a couple of hours before Dream. So probably three hours in the last 48."

"Sapnap. You need to sleep at some point, it's not healthy to be awake that long," George closed the laptop, before placing it on the coffee table. Sapnap rolled his eyes, "It's just not that easy, George. I either let down the Dream team, or I let down myself. But I found a solution that makes sure I don't have to. But it just means I don't sleep as much as I used to."

"Snapmap, you're not going to let us down. Dream and I won't hold it against you if you focus more on school. We care more about your university and health than creating content."

Sapnap swallowed hard, "Are you mad at me? You only call me that when you're mad." George sighed, shaking his head, "Of course not. I'm just trying to be real with you because you can't do this for two and a half more years. I don't want you to take a gap year to appease us, because we want you to keep going with school."

"I know. It's just hard to know what the right decision is. I'm definitely going to finish out the year, but I'm probably going to do a lot of pros and cons list over the summer." George nodded. Sapnap hugged George lightly, George sat back, "I think it's time for you to take a much-needed sleep, okay? I want you to sleep in. Go lay down, Sappy."

"Thanks, dad." George rolled his eyes, messing up Sapnap's hair.

After getting his water, George made his way back to the guest room. Dream attaching himself to George, "Where were you? You were gone for so long, it was getting cold." George chuckled at how clingy his boyfriend was when he was sleepy. George ran a hand through Dream's hair, "Yeah, I found Sapnap doing his homework, he was having a little bit of trouble."

"He's up early," Dream cuddled into George's neck. George shook his head, "Except, he's been up since 8 yesterday, and he's not sleeping." Dream lifted his head up quickly, wondering if he actually heard his boyfriend right. "Are you being serious? Why is he not sleeping?"

George pulled Dream's head back down towards his chest, "He doesn't want to let anyone down so he's not sleeping to get everything done. He doesn't sleep to get work done." Dream sighed lightly. Drawing shapes lightly on George's chest, "We should stop recording so late. No offense, but I'd rather record at 5 in the morning for you than for him. You have the option to sleep all day. He doesn't care about spreading himself too thin, so we have to."

Can't Stop Thinking of You (DreamNotFound)Where stories live. Discover now