Chapter 33

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*Hi my lovelies it's been forever. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever. Truly am. I really hope you like this chapter and I hope I'll be able to finish this book*


Jun-hee's P.O.V

I rest my finger tips against the glass off Yoongi's car window, watching the snow fall. It was so pretty, the way how they gently fall to the ground and all around us. I really liked seeing it.

"The first snow fall."

Yoongi said near my ear and I shivered a bit. His breath cold on my skin as he leaned over to see which direction I was staring out at. We were in his car up on the hill where we had our first date. We come here so often now since we've been avoiding the arcade.


I rest my head on his shoulder. Everything concerning Mr. Tony Montana seemed to have died down, however it didn't mean that we've forgotten about his threats. I was worried about Yoongi and everyone else.

Why was he keeping silent all of a sudden?

What was that man planning?

Yoongi: "Something on your mind?"

He asks. His face inches from mine as he looks and me.

"It's....quiet and everything feels still."

Yoongi: "Yeah, it's sorta troubling but at the same time comforting."


There was silence for awhile as the snow pattered on to the car.

Yoongi: "Is there more you wanna say?"

I hesitate when he asks me that. I didn't want to ruin our moment. This was our time right now.

"I worry about us all the time. There's so much conflict we've seen and been through....I don't know what's Mr. Montana's problem but what he's doing to you mentally it's not right. It's crazy and it's affecting all of us and I hate that. I don't want to think about it but I do."

Yoongi: " I know," he sighs, "He likes control, it's who he is and when you've cross paths with someone like him it's as if you're not done until he says you are."

"I hate this restlessness I feel."

Yoongi: "It's my fault really, I knew what I was doing when I got into this mess....I got us like this."

"No, Yoongi. Don't say that. I'm not blaming anyone for it, the only person at fault is Mr. Montana."

Yoongi: "Jun-ah, I was selfish," He messes with his hair,

Yoongi: "My father gave up on my mom and I was desperate. Tony poached me from a rival of his since I used to perform there and he said he'd help me if I did favors. I've been doing this for two years now. He exploits some of the smartest and strongest kids he sees around the arcade. He made that place to trap us. It gives us a sense of freedom and relief to express ourselves but it comes with a cost. So yes I did this to everyone...."

"I still don't blame you, and I don't think the others do either."

I covered my face in his shirt as I hugged him.

"I didn't want us to talk about him but he's always some how in our thoughts."

Yoongi: "Then let's focus on something else."

He takes out his ear pods and gives me one. He chooses a song to play.

Yoongi: "I'm tired"

He reclines the seat then reaches over and does he same to mine. We both relaxed back and listen to the song gracing our ears. It was a song of his, it was First Love.

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