Chapter 34

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the long awaited update of the year if anything 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Honestly, I've finally written for this book. All the waiting you lovely readers have endured. Please enjoy!

Third Person P.O.V

Head in hands. Worry etched on each and everyone's faces. There was still no word about Jackson's condition since he was wheeled into surgery.

Youngjae sobbed into JB's chest. Jun-hee held Yoongi's hands tightly watching Bam Bam pace with his body covered in Jackson's blood.
Yugyeom walks over to Mark.

Yugyeom: "Hyung, what are we going to do?"

Youngjae: "What do I tell his parents hyung? He's my roommate, what do I say to them?"
JB hushed Youngjae. Junior stopped BB from pacing.

JB: "We'll figure this out. We don't have to say anything right now."

Jin: "Yes we do,"
Jin and RM came back from the reception desk. Jimin, Jungkook, Tae and Hobi were the only people not present with the group.

Namjoon: "Bam needs to get his story straight. Only he knows what really went down and we don't want any heat. Fortunately Hoseok's dad is a surgeon and he's overseeing the surgery. We talked to him a bit so he'll help us out with anything hospital related however, we have to worry about why this happened and at any point police magically decides to show up at our doorstep we have everything in order to deal with this."

BB: "Do you think it was Tony? Or a rival of his?"

Mark: "The run was for Tony, why would he even do this?"

Jun-hee: "To get back at Yoongi? Who knows what goes on in his head."

Yoongi: "As far as I know Tony hates when people mess with his money. I think this was a case of wrong timing. I suggest that you all try to get out we don't want this happening again."

Mark: "How? We're all caught in the middle of this."

JB: "There's so many others this could happen to. Tony has things on us. we're all messed up if the police, hell our parents get involve."

Namjoon: "It'll be more messed up if we lose our lives over this."

BB: "I don't want to go through that again. I don't want to I don't want to—"

Junior: "Shhhh, Bam it's okay, it's okay. You won't I promise."
He hugs the younger.

Namjoon: "You guys just talk over what you need to. The police won't get involved there's not much to go on and besides district 9 is a bad place anyway. We just gotta hope Jackson pulls through. As long as he gets out of this alive we're good."

Yoongi: "You guys should round up everyone. Spread the word. We can't be doing Tony's way anymore. I've been taking a stand and so should you guys. He's only one man. There's much more of us. We need to let everything he's built crumble. He's not welcome to treat us like this anymore and I'm going to stop waiting for this to blow over. I'm going to do something  about this shit right now"
Yoongi stands but Jun-hee pulls him back.

Jun-hee: "Oppa we need another plan....we need help from everyone. I know we don't want to let all our parents into this....but I think we should. This is getting bigger than us."

Jin: "Jun-hee, as much as you're right. We can't, some of our friends come to escape the prejudice, the abuse, the pain of wherever they come from and not all of the guys there have it easy, we don't know everyone's circumstances. Furthermore I'd like to keep most of our parents out of this as much as possible. However, because of this situation, Mr. Jung was the right person to turn to."

Junior: "Tony always say no hospitals since he has a private physician. We don't want to owe him anything after this. So we trust you with making us come here. We just want Jackson to be okay and we want to help you stop him."

JB: "We're going to help you stop him."
He said firmly. The other boys agreed.

Yoongi: "Well first things first we need a safe place. We need to create a new safe place with no deranged adults exploiting us, using us for their bullshit. We shouldn't depend on an asshole like him. We don't need to anymore. We should get everyone of our friends out first."
Yoongi looks at Jun-hee and kissed her forehead.
He looks to Namjoon who gives him a look and a nod.

Namjoon: " And luckily we've got something in mind."
Just then a nurse approached the group.

"Jackson Wang's Family?"

Youngjae: "We're his family."
They all looked at the nurse expectingly.

Nurse: "He going to be fine for the most part, however due to the location of the wound and loss of blood, he won't be able to walk for a while and we had to give him a blood transfusion. He's fortunate to be alive."

JB: "Thank you."
They all felt relief.

Time skip~

Namjoon And Jin sat with Yoongi at his place. He had brought Jun-hee home to stay safe.

Namjoon: "So mastermind, how should we explain to Hoseok's dad the situation?"
They knew there would be more questions from Mr. Jung after all they had to beg him as the head surgeon.
They would have to answer to him but for now they were happy their friend would be alright.

Yoongi: "You know we have to spin the truth. Furthermore we have more pressing things than Mr. Jung."

Jin: "We can't keep this up... Yoongi whatever ideas you're planning, we need to end this now. You need to end this."

Yoongi: "I need a little more time to get things in place. Do you trust me?"
Namjoon And Jin looked between each other.

Namjoon: "Hyung, we're in this all the way."

Jin: "Don't think we'd be able to turn back now anyway."
Namjoon: "In all honesty we don't want anyone else getting hurt."

Yoongi: "We're getting out of this. With you guys in my corner, with Jun-hee by my side, I won't stop till I get us out of this."

Jin: "Wish you didn't get us there in the first place."
He chuckled.
There was silence knowing full well it wasn't even something to laugh it.

Yoongi: "I regret the circumstances it's lead to...but I'd never regret the amazing moments we had together nor the good people we've met. I just wanna.... I want to....say I'm really sorry and thank you...."
He chokes up a bit covering his mouth and closing his eyes to have his emotions under control. He didn't know what he'd done but he'd met people he was glad to call his brothers.

Namjoon: "Don't worry about it Yoongi-hyung. We got you."

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