17| The memory

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Another long chapter- and the longest chapter I have ever written! Ahhh I feel so f*cking productive!



Hermione was still in the hospital for the next few weeks. Miley, Harry, Ron, and sometimes the twins went to visit her for a few minutes. People asked Miley if she knew something about Hermione's sudden disappearance. Miley shrugged sometimes or other times she told them to fuck off- depended on her mood.

When the new term started, Ron and Harry brought her her homework- something she made sure to get every day.

"Is Hermione alright?" Oliver asked once he kissed Miley on the forehead. They hadn't had a minute to talk ever since Oliver had come back- they simply had too much work. They had just finished their first quidditch practice since the new term started and Miley was pretending to be slow so she could talk to her boyfriend.

"Yeah, she'll be fine soon," Miley said and he wrapped his arms around her bringing her in for a hug.

"Why so touchy?" Miley teased. It was rare for Oliver to touch her when they were outside.

"Because," he sighed and rested his head gently on hers.

"Your happy," Miley remarked. Oliver had been cheerful throughout practice today- even when Fred and George goofed off a few hundred times.

"Because I was thinking about spending time with you after practice," he murmured and tilted her chin up. He brought his lips close to hers and they shared another intense kiss.


Harry and Ron were walking together when Miley caught up to them. She was panting- not just because she was running. She was still blushing after that intense kiss with Oliver.

"Wha-" she started looking at their faces.

"Shh, that's FIlch," Harry said raising her hand to shut her up.

"Has someone else been attacked?" Ron asked nervously.

Harry and Miley didn't answer so Ron joined them in listening to what Filch was whining about.

"Even more work for me! Mopping all night, like I haven't got enough to do! No, this is the final straw, I'm going to Dumbledore-"

"Look," Miley said and pointed at a puddle of water outside of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

"Now, what is she up to?" Ron grumbled. Miley and Harry shrugged and they walked inside.

Myrtle was sobbing loudly inside- louder than ever which was surprising to Miley. It was dark in the bathroom because the candles had been extinguished in the great rush of water that had left both walls and floor soaking wet.

"Myrtle? Are you alright?" Miley winced.

"Who's that?" hiccupped Myrtle miserably. "Come to throw something else at me?"

"No," Miley said.

"Why would we throw something at you?" Harry said at the same time.

"Don't ask me," Myrtle shouted, "Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me..."

Ron opened his mouth to say something but Harry beat him to it. "But it can't hurt you if someone throws something at you," he said, reasonably. "I mean, it'd just go right through you, wouldn't it?"

Miley groaned- he had said the wrong thing.

"Let's all throw books at Myrtle, because she can't feel it! Ten points if you can get it through her stomach! Fifty points if it goes through her head! Well, ha, ha, ha! What a lovely game, I don't think!" Myrtle shrieked.

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