10| The Chamber of Secrets

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"What are they grumbling about?" Miley asked Hermione who was doing her essay for Potions.

"Fred saw you and Oliver... snogging," Hermione answered looking up from her essay and Miley winced.

"It was just a small kiss," she defended herself.

"Hey- I never said I had a problem with it," Hermione said, and Miley apologized.

"We just got on good terms," Miley grumbled.

"Do you regret it?" Hermione asked Miley.

"Of course not," Miley replied not even hesitating. She liked the kiss and she liked Oliver. She had no reason to be sorry at all.

She stormed to the twins who were writing something down. When George saw Miley, he hid the parchment he was writing on.

"I see your back from snogging with Wood," Fred commented.

"It was just a small kiss!"

"Ok," Fred shrugged but Miley knew he was faking it. "Can we just stop fighting?" she pleaded. Fred stopped writing and looked up at her.

"Of course we can," he said but Miley could tell he didn't mean it.

"Ok, then. Good night, boys," she said with a small frown.

"Night," they echoed.


By the morning, the whole school had been curious about the Chamber of Secrets. Miley had been too busy trying to get on the twin's good side and with homework that she barely had any time to read up on the Chamber of Secrets. She had hoped Hermione had found something about it.

"Please tell me any of you had read about the Chamber of Secrets," Miley asked hopefully to the Golden Trio at breakfast.

"Nope," Hermione said sadly. "I checked last night but all the books are gone," Miley answered with a frown.

"When's your first Hogsmeade trip?" Harry asked, "It's this weekend," Miley said realizing how close she was to go on that date with Oliver.

"We were planning on going to Hagrid's this weekend," Ron replied. "You can go without me," she answered.

"Because Oliver's more important?" Harry raised an eyebrow and Miley snorted at how much of a diva he looked.

"You would understand if you were my age," Miley replied with a smile.

"Fred and George don't," Ron said looking at the twins who were scowling at Oliver who was innocently talking to his friends.

"Because they don't understand anything," Miley rolled her eyes.


George was talking to Miley but Miley had a distant feeling from Fred. it was like it was agonizing for him to be nice to her.

Professor McGonagall was in the middle of teaching when Miley's hand shot up in the air. Professor McGonagall looked surprised to see Miley's hand in the air but called on her.

"I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of the Secrets, Professor," Miley asked. She could barely pay attention and needed to know what it was.

"I... suppose," Professor McGonagall said and Miley's confidence rose.

"As you know, this school was formed years ago- the certain date is unknown. The famous witches and wizards who formed the school were Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. They hid the school from the muggles," she paused. The whole class was hanging onto her every word.

"For a few years, the founders worked in harmony together, seeking out youngsters who showed signs of magic and bringing them to the castle to be educated. But then disagreements sprang up between them. A rift began to grow between Slytherin and the others. Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed that magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. He disliked taking students of Muggle parentage, believing them to be untrustworthy. After a while, there was a serious argument on the subject between Slytherin and Gryffindor, and Slytherin left the school."

"Mind you this is a legend," she added at the look of everybody's face.

"Slytherin, according to the legend, sealed the Chamber of Secrets so that none would be able to open it until his own true heir arrived at the school. The heir alone would be able to unseal the Chamber of Secrets, unleash the horror within, and use it to purge the school of all who were unworthy to study magic."

"Ok, I think that's enough for today- class dismissed early," she said and the class got up at once, murmuring to others about what they were just told.

"Miles, you should've asked her about it before she collected homework- I would've got a free day to do it," George said to Miley as they headed towards the Great Hall for lunch.

"Who do you think it is though?" she asked curiously.

"Did you find out about the Chamber of Secrets?" Ron asked when they joined the Golden Trio.

The nodded. "Hermione asked Binns," Harry said.

"It's obviously Malfoy," Harry said.

"It's definitely Flint," Fred said at the same time.

"Ok, so the list is short," Miley commented.

"It has to be Malfoy," Ron agreed with Harry.

"I never said it wasn't," Fred snapped at his brother.

"Calm down- we'll have to find a way to interrogate them," Miley said.


"I noticed the spiders acting funny too," Miley wondered aloud. Harry, Ron, and Hermione told them how they saw the spiders walking in a straight line.

"I can't believe you went to the girl's toilet!" Fred howled with laughter and George snickered.

"And got caught," Miley snorted.

"By Percy!' the twins hooted.

Ron looked furious but Miley quickly changed the subject.

"How are we going to find out if Malfoy or Flint is the heir?" Miley asked.

"There is a way..." Fred started.

"And it's called Polyjuice Potion," George finished.


"It's a very complicated potion," Miley remarked once they had gone over their plan.

Harry and Ron were going to be Crabbe and Goyle- Malfoy's most trusted friends. Hermione will be a Slytherin second-year. Fred and George will be Aiden Rocks and Mike Stoodes- both close to Flint. Miley decided she would be Ivy Hinkley- someone who's close to Flint. Hermione was still going over her options.

"The book we need is in the Restricted Section," Hermione said panting. She was just at the library trying to find books about Polyjouce Potion.

"We'll have to find a teacher who'll give us a note," George said.

"No teacher's going to fall for it," Ron moaned.

"Except one," Miley smirked.

They gave her blank looks and she sighed.

"That git, of course!" she said throwing her hands up.

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