Chapter 25- Isle of the Lost

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Uma knocked on our door softly the next morning. "(Y/n), Harry. Up and at 'em, we need to get stuff from the ship."

I practically perked up at the mention of home. "Give us five."

We got dressed and fixed ourselves in no time. We walked out of the house with Gil in tow and walked to the bridge. We walked across it as Harry and I joked around with Uma. Gil looked around in amazement like a little kid in an amusement park.

We reached the other side of the bridge and raced each other to the harbor. I got there first and ran to the lower deck. We had our own rooms below deck just in case. My room was the first door, and it had a fire symbol carved into the wooden door. I jiggled the doorknob and noticed it was locked. Harry must've locked it while I was in Auradon.

"Harry, where's the key?" I yelled to the other end of the hallway, where Harry's room was.

"In my room!" he yelled back.

I walked down to his room and saw him gathering up the few things he had. He smiled when he saw me standing in the doorway. He tossed me a key and I ran back to my room, opening it with ease. I walked inside and noticed it had no cobwebs or dust anywhere, and that my bed was neatly made.

Harry must've made it when I left, in hopes that I would return soon. Everything was clean, and neat. It was almost weird to me, seeing as I never kept my room clean. I walked over to my closet and opened the rotting wood door. A couple t-shirts and leather jackets, plus some hoodies. But one hoodie caught my eye.

It was a maroon hoodie, dirty but not torn or worn out. It was Harry's that he had given to me when we were walking home from the beach and saw that I was cold. I took it off the hanger and admired it, pulling it to my chest. It was warm, and it still smelled of him.

"Love, what are you-" He stopped when he saw me clutching his hoodie, a smirk growing on his face. Harry came up behind me and kissed the back of my neck, nipping at some spots.

"Come on. Uma's probably worried," I said, trying to fight the urge to give in.

I went through my room and packed a small backpack of things that I would want in my dorm. Harry had a couple things in his pocket, so he didn't need much. Uma also had a small turquoise backpack with a couple things in it. We walked out of the harbor and to the bridge.

"You grabbed it, right?" Harry asked, Gil walking up next to him.

"Of course. It's in here," I said, motioning to my backpack.

"What's in there?" Gil asked curiously.

"A hoodie that Harry gave me," I explained.

"You mean that hoodie that was from your first date?" Uma asked.

I nodded as we reached the other side, walking into Auradon. We walked back to Auradon Prep, where I showed them around. I gave them a basic overview of what Mal showed me months prior. Suddenly getting an idea, Harry smiled at the way my eyes lit up.

"Wait, I think you guys are going to love this."

They admired the amphitheater while I snuck off, grabbing some swords. I tossed one to Harry and he caught it just in time to turn around and face me. Our swords clinked together as I tossed Gil and Uma swords. Uma smiled and fought Gil, who blocked every attack that Uma threw at him. Harry was more difficult, knowing my weaknesses.

Finally, I pinned Harry to the ground with my sword. He smiled as he placed his sword on the floor gently. I tossed my sword aside and helped him up, smiling as he kissed my knuckles. He looked up at me like he had me on a pedestal.

Then came the cheers.

All the kids that were moving in that day had noticed the fight and began to watch, watching the famous (Y/n) battle someone that was on her level, not Chad or anyone else for the matter. Even though they wanted Harry to win, they still cheered for both of them, as they enjoyed the show.

I looked up and saw Jane, Carlos, Lonnie, everyone that I knew that was going into their last year of Auradon Prep stood there, cheering for Harry and me. I curtsied jokingly and then picked up our swords. Uma and Gil had stopped to watch us fight. Uma smiled as she tossed me her sword, and so did Gil, but his was more of a childish smile.

Harry and I walked out of the amphitheater hand-in-hand, Uma and Gil following behind us. I led us down to my dorm and smiled as I opened it. Uma laughed as she saw that there was so much pink in it.

"How are you going to survive?" Uma asked.

"Replace the pink with blue, turquoise and black," I said, subtly dropping the hint.

"Wait, turquoise? Does that mean..." Uma trailed off.

I smiled, revealing the news. "Yep, you're rooming with me."

She immediately hugged me, taking me by surprise. I guess she's already gotten used to the physical touching that Auradon comes with. I hoped she did, because from what I saw, there was a lot of that even from strangers. Maybe it was just with me since we grew up like sisters these past few months.

"Thank you so much, (Y/n). Truthfully, I would rather have you than a prissy princess," Uma beamed, thanking me.

"I thought you would like it. I was also going to have Gil and Harry across the hall from us," I explained.

"Are you in charge of the rooming?" she asked.

"Yep. I was thinking Carlos with Zevon, CJ with Harriet-"

"Don't do those two. They fight over everything," Uma pointed out.

"Oh, okay. Um, how about Jane and CJ?" I suggested.

"Good. I kinda like Jane, but I don't like the fact that her mom is Miss Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo," Uma said.

I laughed. "Hey, you and me both. I've never liked Fairy Godmother since I heard of her. She's always expecting me to act like an actual princess."

She smiled and placed her backpack on her nightstand. She looked so happy as she relaxed on her bed, taking in the softness of it. She was happy. Finally, she was happy. No longer filled with malice and the need for revenge like we were on the Isle. We finally got our dream; Auradon.

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