Chapter 26- Back To School

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School finally started today, and I was thrilled. I could spend time with Harry during free periods and after classes. I helped the three of them with their schedules and what they needed for their classes.

I sat down in my first class in the back, not wanting any attention from the teachers. They usually call on people in the front. Another boy sat next to me. It was Ezra, son of Esmerelda. The flirty man had mostly evidence of his mother, his dark hair being his favorite. Although, one eye was green and one eye was brown.

"Hello, fire girl. Guess we're stuck together for the rest of the year, huh?" he asked.

"Yes, we are, now if you could please stop talking, I would appreciate it," I said in a quick tone.

"Do you want to talk later, maybe? I can talk to you at lunch," he suggested.

"No, thank you." I huffed as I paid attention to Professor Godmother.

I walked out of the classroom right when the bell rang, wanting to get away from Ezra.

"(Y/n)! Hey, wait up!" Ezra called after me.

I rolled my eyes and I turned to him, a fake smile plastered on my face. "What's wrong, Ezra?"

"Can we hang out? During lunch?" he asked, taking my hand.

I tried to pull my hand away, but I couldn't because he had a firmer grip. "No, thank you Ezra. But I have plans, and I'm not canceling them."

"With who?" he chuckled, thinking I was lying.

"With me."

I sighed in relief and turned to hug Harry. Ezra stared daggers at Harry as I pulled away.

"And who is he?" Ezra asked in a tone that was close to turning angry.

"Her fiance," Harry replied, grabbing me by the waist and walking away with me.

I sighed in relief, kissing his cheek once we couldn't see Ezra anymore. "Thank you."

He growled, his voice laced with jealousy. "I'm not letting him lay his hands on you."

His jealousy was almost comforting, but I focused on the moment. "Okay, I have to go to my next class or Mal is going to have a fit. I'll talk to you during lunch, promise."

He nodded in response and I walked away, smiling. I rushed off to my next class, which was with Carlos. I smiled as I sat down next to him. The boy was grinning. I caught his attention away from another guy when I sat down. He held out his fist, and l did the same. We bumped our fists together.

"So, how is your roommate?" I asked.

"Actually going pretty good. I mean, we actually get along pretty well, and he's very interested in computers," Carlos explained.

"I knew I made the right decision. How's Jane with CJ?" I asked curiously.

"She's happy, very happy. Whenever Jane would come over, CJ would come to hang out with Zevon," Carlos said. He looked from the board to me. "Wait, are you trying to set them up?"

"Maybe," I replied slyly.

Carlos laughed quietly. What's wrong having a little fun with my fiance's sister?

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