Chapter 3- Together

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Day after day, we trained. Day after day, I spent each with Harry.

Uma always wanted us to stick together, for some unknown reason. If he was sent on a raid, I would go with him. If I wanted to work on the ship, Harry would follow me around like a dog. And Uma didn't even mind that her first mate wasn't at her side most of the time.

One night, Uma had us working late. The sun was far too gone by the time I noticed my eyes were closing on occasion. Ursula then called her, needing her for the night shift. Half of the crew snuck off and went home. The rest of us stayed in the Chip Shoppe, helping Uma when we could.

Twenty orders went in at once, twenty orders came out at once. Uma had a hard time carrying more than two plates at a time, so I helped her by carrying a few at a time. Harry watched me as I talked back to mouthy customers complaining about lukewarm food. Harry hid a smile behind his hand at one point because of a comment I made.

"Harry Hook laughing? I thought the day would never come," I teased.

Harry rolled his eyes. "I've laughed directly in your face, darling."

"Not because of me," I pointed out.

"That's because your jokes are as dry as the fish here," Harry remarked.

I scoffed playfully. "Rude." I walked off to help Uma.

Eventually, I got to sit down and try to enjoy soggy food with Harry. A customer turned on the TV. A second later, Harry threw food resulting in the TV being turned off. The customer got thrown out due to showing the stupid party after the coronation.

Wait. The coronation?

I turned the TV back on. The coronation was supposed to be ruined. Mal was supposed to grab the wand and run. Weren't we supposed to be free? Harry frowned when I went to turn the TV back on. Did he know something I didn't?

"Mal, daughter of Maleficent, has fit in well into Auradon. Recently saving Auradon from the evilest villain of them all, Maleficent herself, Mal celebrated the rest of the night with her newly crowned boyfriend, Prince Ben."

As the reporter talked, clips of the party played. I could see glimpses of Evie dancing around with a guy with glasses. Most of all, I saw Mal in a hideous pale purple dress, dancing around like she was happy. Dodging kisses from the new king, like she had him head over heels for her.

Fury burned in me. A second after Mal disappeared off of the screen, Uma dropped a plate of food. The customer screamed at her. Uma walked out with a stomp in her step. I followed after her, practically running to make sure she didn't destroy the dock or the ship.

"That was our one way out!" Uma screamed. "We could have been free. That snooty little witch!"

I made her face me, shoving down my own anger. "We'll find our own way out."

Uma paused. "How would you know, little miss Hades?"

"I'm also the daughter of Maleficent. Never forget that," I threatened. "We'll find our own way out. Without any help from those backstabbers. They think they can live their wicked lives in Auradon without trouble? Think again." I faced Auradon, watching lights dance around it. "We'll get off of this cursed island. And it'll be all because of us. Everybody will know our names for the reason Auradon falls."

Uma sighed. "I wish I could say I didn't believe your words. But we will. Daughter of Ursula, and daughter of Hades."


We grabbed each other's right hands and squeezed as if sealing a pact. It really was a pact in my mind. We were going to take over Auradon together. We could watch Auradon crumble because of our power. Uma put her hand on my shoulder as we looked at Auradon. No doubt imagining it in flames.

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