Chapter 21- Space Between

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Harry woke me up by kissing me as I laid on the grass, all four of them peering down at me. I smiled and kissed Harry quickly. He had broken the sleeping spell. True love's kiss. As soon as I stood up, I kissed Harry back. I hugged him tightly, glad he was my true love.

We helped Mal place Audrey in her bedroom, and I even tried to wake her with the ember. When I couldn't do it, Mal and I both knew we needed Dad. I stood near the window, making sure Audrey wasn't in danger of the sleeping spell.

"She's slipping away," Evie breathed.

Mal sighed. "There's only one person in the world who can do something about it, and that's Hades."

"Hades? He wouldn't do it. I won't risk it." Ben shook his head.

"Actually he might do it for us. He's our father," I explained.

There was a shocked silence as everyone looked at each other.

"Why is this such a surprise?" Uma asked.

"We just figured it was a part of her mother's powers," Carlos mumbled. "And she really liked blue."

"Well, I'll have to send guards to get him," Ben murmured.

"Maybe I can hitch a ride," Uma said. I looked up in surprise. "The Isle is my home. Somebody needs to be there to protect it."

"Well, then. You'll need your first mate," Harry said, walking up and standing next to Uma.

I stood in front of Uma. She and I smiled. "Daughter of Ursula, and daughter of Hades."

"Together," Uma replied in a whisper.

"Can I go too?" Celia asked. "I wish I can be in both places." Celia walked over to Uma, the latter wrapping a comforting arm around her.

"The Isle will be in very good hands." Mal smiled. "I really think Evie was right. And, I do think we could've been friends. And I'm really sorry I lied to all you guys. You deserve so much better than that."

"You were just trying to do the right thing." Jay shrugged.

"Yeah," Uma agreed.

Evie reached a hand over to Mal's. "I get it."

So, the five of us were shipped back to the Isle. This time, not in handcuffs. Ben vetoed that opinion immediately when Beast suggested it. I got to hold Harry's hand on the way back, as my head laid on his shoulder without any pain. Mal gave a tearful hug.

Princess of the Underworld. Soon to be queen. But Queen of the Isle. With Uma and Harry standing by my sides. Mal was going to be Queen of Auradon. One day, we'll meet in between.

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