Chapter 5- Stop Fighting It

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Harry freaking Hook. His lips, his words, his smile, his humor. He filled my thoughts daily as I avoided him as much as possible. Most of the crew saw me avoiding Harry as an opportunity to get closer to me. I only wanted Harry's attention on me. I only wanted him. Harry's jealousy burned brightly especially when we sat at the Chip Shoppe.

After two weeks, I kept fighting myself from running over to Harry and confessing. But that wasn't being a villain. That was being soft. Small tears ran down my eyes as I laid on the beach, frustrated with my inner turmoil. The stars were bright, with the moon casting light onto the water.

I closed my eyes eventually. A few minutes later, there was a disturbance in the sand and air. I knew who it was, but kept my eyes closed. He laid down next to me, and I noticed he kept a foot between us. He had deep, steady breathing as I tried to keep mine the same way.

"When are you going to stop avoiding me, (Y/n)?" Harry whispered. "I don't know how much longer I can watch the crew eye you like meat before I hook them. I want you to be mine."

I finally breathed out a little louder than normal. "I don't know how much longer you can keep up this act." I didn't want to look at Harry. "Is it because you somehow want to get closer to Uma? Somehow keep me around for power? Or is it because you want another one-weeker?"

"Stop pretending my feelings aren't real."

"Stop pretending like you have feelings for me!" I shot back.

I got up, my boots struggling to walk on the sand. Harry grabbed my arm.

"Your father was wrong, (Y/n)." Harry looked straight into my eyes. I noticed his pupils were blown wide when he looked at me. "Villains can love. Villains can have other feelings than malice. Sure, we aren't heroes. We'll never be heroes. But that doesn't mean we can't love."

I scoffed. "Like what you feel for me is love. I've known you for years, Harry. You pin after a girl for days to get them to fall for you, and you do it just for fun. I've watched a girl sob in front of you and you laughed at her because she was another fling. You never want that feeling of love. Villains can't feel love, Harry, and I'm sure you don't."

"You know nothing about me, then." Harry's hand squeezed mine. "All of the girls here are mad. They can't have enough, they have more than enough. Except you. You, you're exactly what I need. A woman who's not afraid to take what she wants, even from the most heinous of villains. Everyone is afraid of Uma except you. I've told you before, and I mean it, you light my heart on fire. In a good way, my love."

"Stop calling me that," I snapped. "I'm not yours."

"I want you to be. I'm dying for it." Harry's lips were centimeters from mine. "Take me as yours, (Y/n)."

My heart was pounding in my ears as his breath hit my lips. "I don't believe you want to be mine. You just want me for your gain."

"Stop, (Y/n)," Harry said firmly. "Stop fighting it. Let me in."

"It's not that easy." I bowed my head and shook it. "You know I don't trust easily. It's not like I can let you love me with ease."

"So you want me to," Harry said.

I cursed myself in my mind. I stayed silent as Harry smirked. "I wish you didn't doubt me." He used his hook to tilt my chin up. "Those pretty lips of yours would be on mine if I had it my way. But you need to believe me first."

I snorted. "Like I'd beg you to kiss me. I'll believe you when you're honest, Hook."

"I'd get Uma to perform a truth spell on me and I'd say the same thing," Harry stated. "Sweetheart, I'd get on my knees and confess my love to Maleficent if that's what it takes."

"She'd murder you," I reasoned. "But that was bold. Good try, Harry." I pulled away with a soft smile. "Come on. Uma's probably expecting us soon."

"You minx." Harry picked me up and made me face him, resulting in me letting out a small yelp. "Oh, darling. I try to confess my love, and you try to slip out of my fingers faster than sand. Believe this, (Y/n). My feelings will never be swayed. I have an incredible amount of feelings for you."

His eyes glimmered from the stars. His hands kept a tight hold on me, his biceps flexing in a way that the veins were showing. God, he was strong. His dark brown hair was messy and tossed like he hadn't fixed it, but it looked so good on him. He had a bit of eyeliner on that was smudged, probably from rubbing his eyes.

Godmother, he was beautiful.

His laugh when we looted shops. His smile was infectious. The smirk that--I hated to admit it--could make my knees weak. The way he made me feel better on the dark days, when I ran from the woman I called my mother especially. His words, his accent, his promises. He always kept his word. The way he made me feel safe.

I cursed internally once again. I let him in a long time ago and I kept denying it.

As soon as he set me down, I pulled him down with me into a kiss. It wasn't graceful; his lips mashed against mine until he tilted his head and made the kiss that much sweeter. I knew he had only kissed less than a handful of women, and maybe one kiss with each. After all, I listened to him brag to Gil before about him being hard to get.

By Aphrodite, he was amazing.

His lips molded into mine, making our lips fit together like puzzle pieces. And Harry's lips were so soft. His hands held my waist just the right way. My cheeks were flushed despite the cool night. Raising a hand to his cheek, he felt the same. I couldn't believe, for a moment, that Harry Hook was blushing because of a simple kiss.

But the kiss was more than that. It was pure passion poured into physical contact. I didn't know for how long I had liked him. Weeks of him trying to pin me and bottled up emotions. Happiness, passion, relief. Everything mixed into the kiss like a beautiful melody as he kept holding me, kept pulling me in for more.

Harry wouldn't let me go for a while. Little gasps between kisses were all I had for my supply of oxygen. I didn't care. As minutes passed by, I began wondering if it was a dream. A dream that I never wanted to wake up from, so I continued. Again and again until I was convinced it wasn't a dream, or I would have woken up before my lips hit his.

Every worry, every bit of anger, every care in my world drowned away when I was with Harry. Even when we had to go back to Ursula's to help Uma, all I could give a single care about was Harry when he talked to me about another raid with the pirate crew.

Maybe Harry Hook was going to be my weakness. The weakness that my father said to never have. But I had him, and he had me. I couldn't even doubt it now. Every wink, every smirk, every stare was because of me and only to me. And in those private moments, he was the only one who could make me smile. My Harry.

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