Chapter 1- Leaving

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Another day, another ramage through the alleyways of the Isle of the Lost.

My sister, Mal, and I were always the ones to initiate it. We, along with Evie, Jay, and Carlos, would run around the streets, making sure people knew our names. Mal liked to tag certain spots where there wasn't any graffiti, just to prove she was the daughter of the greatest villain of all time.

I, however, couldn't really prove such a thing. I had (h/l) blue hair, and had the traits of my father. Our father took me since I was named the reject. Even twins, we couldn't look any more different. Maleficent didn't want me, so my father raised me since I was born. Even though Mal and I were separated, we knew everything about each other.

Mal blew her bangs out of her face as I stood by her side, grinning. Mal leaned over and stole a lollipop from a child. She held the lollipop up in victory to those behind her. I heard screams behind me and turned around, figuring it was Jay or Carlos scaring them away. But no. When I looked in front of me, it was none other than Maleficent herself.

Mal turned around. "Hi, Mom."

"Stealing candy, Mal? I'm so disappointed. And you, (Y/n)? I expected better from you, both of you," Maleficent reprimanded.

"It was from a baby," Mal said, holding up the lollipop.

Maleficent smiled wickedly. "That's my nasty little girl."

Maleficent took the lollipop from Mal and spat on it, putting it under her arm. She handed it to one of her henchmen. "Give it back to the dreadful creature."


"It's the deets that make a difference between mean and truly evil!" Maleficent exclaimed. "When I was your age, I was cursing entire kingdoms. Walk with me." She pulled Mal off to the side as I walked over to Jay.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Carlos asked.

I frowned, looking at my sister. "No doubt giving another lecture about being evil."

"When does she not talk about being evil?" Jay asked.

"Fair point."

"Oh, there's news! I buried the lead! Haha!" Maleficent said suddenly, startling the four of us. "You four have been chosen to go to a different school. In Auradon."

The three of them tried to escape as I walked up next to Mal.

"What?! I'm not going to a boarding school, filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses," Mal said, disgusted.

"And perfect princes," Evie said dreamily.

Mal shot her a look. Evie made a disgusted sound, like she didn't dream of princes.

"Yeah, and I don't do 'uniforms'. Unless it's leather, you feel me?" Jay asked, raising his hand to Carlos.

Carlos ignored him, taking a couple of steps forward. "I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom says their rabid-pack animals who eat boys who don't behave."

Jay came up behind him and made a dog noise in his ear. Carlos hit him on the arm.

"Yeah, Mom, we're not going!" Mal protested.

I suddenly processed what Maleficent had said. "Wait, four of us? But there's five of us."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You're not going," Maleficent said, smiling.

"Are you kidding, Mom? If (Y/n)'s not going, I'm not going either," Mal said, standing by my side again.

"It wasn't really my call," Maleficent admitted. "I guess mini Beast didn't think you were bad enough. Even so, if it were my call, you wouldn't even be considered."

What set me off was Mal looking down, not wanting to argue. All she said was, "We'll get you to Auradon as soon as we can, (Y/n). I promise."

I stormed off angrily, my eyes glowing blue. The audacity of the woman when I could send her into the underworld in seconds with my full power. My sister was a coward. Afraid to stand up to someone for their sister. The only thing Maleficent can do is make empty threats.

Jay's hands caught my shoulders and turned me around. His eyes caught mine as he stared at me for a moment. The son of Jafar could only admit having a soft spot for me. It was weird, especially because we were taught we could never love. We couldn't even feel it. But, Jay only saw me as a friend. He was so protective of me.

"We're going to go to Auradon. Then, when we destroy it, you're the first person to see it once we break the barrier," Jay assured me. "Understand? All that destruction, it will be the first thing you see when we get you out of here. All four of us promise that."

"That does sound beautiful," I admitted. "Get me out of here."

"I promise."

Jay ran back to his friends and his father. I knew Jay was lying. He couldn't promise to get me out. Once the four took over Auradon, they were probably going to soak up all the glory and leave every one of the Isle kids in the dust. We would be stuck here while they got to watch the pain and the crumbling of castles.

But in the back of my mind, I wanted his promise to be fulfilled.

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