Room 407

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Aurora rolled around the city one last time before, rolling up to the police station and over to the bench where Korra was talking with Tahno, no surprise as she found out Amon took away his bending. Tahno stood up once a guard signaled for him to follow him.

Standing he turned around to face Korra, giving her a casual salute and smile, "See you around, Avatar."

Aurora looks around the area looking for a head full of red hair. Nothing caught her eye.

"Did you find her?"

Korra shakes her head. "You don't think—"

"NO—There's no way." Aurora huffs out aggressively but quickly calms down, "It can't be true,"

The two girls turn their heads and see a group of soldiers dressed in fire nation uniforms. The head one began talking to the chief. Aurora rolls up to them, and faces the one who was speaking and interuped him.

"Did you find the Princess."

"You are not permitted to know that information."

Aurora pokes the man, "Listen, I'm her best friend, I have a right to-"

"You are not permitted to know that information, now the child moves."

Aurora puts her hands on the sides of her chair about to stand up but she gets shifted by Korra or starts pushing towards the door.

"I'll find out later. . .let's go see what Mako and Bolin are up to."

Aurora crosses her arms and looks at the city as Korra pushes her.

"Where are you Zahru."


Aurora jaw drops as the two walk around the huge Sato Estate they are escorted to the back of the house where they see a large pool with a Lion turtle statue that had a waterfall pouring out of it's carved mouth. They saw Pabu squealing and was taking a flying leap off the statue's head to dive into the large pool. Bolin is poised to dive off the statue's head, and on the opposite side of the pool. Asami is sitting at the edge dipping her feet while Mako stands in the water beside her.

"Earthbending bomb!" He jumps into the pool, splashing the others, as a butler enters the room leading a gawking Korra.

Butler points to the two girls, "Avatar Korra and Master Aurora have arrived."
Mako waves to the two of them, "Hey, Korra. . .and Aurora."

Asami flips her hair, "Glad you made it."

Bolin emerges from the water with a splash, "Welcome to paradise." He sinks down to float on his back with Pabu perched on top of him.

Korra sits down on a lounge chair, "Looks like you guys settled right in."
Mako smirks looking over at Asami, "Pretty much, except someone forgot to ask her father if we could stay here."

Asami wading beside Mako, "Yeah, but I smoothed it over with him. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission."

Bolin emerges from the water beside Korra, dripping, with Pabu on his head, "This is the greatest place in the world. Watch this." (He looked to the butler, "Fetch me my towel, good sir."

Butler nods and grabs a towel, "Yes, Master... Bolin."

"Master Bolin." points his thumb at the butler and laughs, "I love this guy. Now pat me dry." Bolin requested.

Butler nods, "As you wish." And quickly rubs Bolin dry

"Don't forget Master Pabu."

Butler continues, "Wouldn't dream of it, Sir."

Tales of Aurora (Legend of Korra)Where stories live. Discover now