Past Can Be A Great Teacher

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The blue of lightning striking her in the abdomen is the last thing she hears then her vision goes black. Opening her eyes, Aurora wipes off the cold sweat that formed on her forehead and touches her burn. It was itchy.

"Honey, are you okay?" Tenzin asks, ignoring the constant yapping of his other three kids.

Aurora nods and puts her hand on her mother stomach just as the baby kicks her,

"Mom, I'm telling you he's going to be a bender."

Pema shook her head, "Nope, I'm going to make myself a non bender who won't attack me with their bending."

Aurora nods as Meelo crawls on top of her father's head and begins to gnaw on it.

"I wasn't this bad, right mom?"

Pema turned her head and pointed to the south pole sign,


"Honey, look we're almost there."

"MOM, Don't ignore me!!!"

Aurora plugged her fingers into her ears as after her mom announced they were at the south pole, Ikki just didn't know when to shut up, "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? It looks like we are there. I know this is very familiar. Are we here yet? Are we here yet? Oh, please say we are here!"

Oogi went in a quick circle and planted himself on the ground, "Yes, Ikki. As I have been telling you for the last 15 minutes, we are finally here.

Ikki and Jinora leap off the saddle riding on their air scooters, and Tenzin climbs down with an exhausted look on his face. Katara laughs and pulls Meelo from off his father's head.

"Hello Mother, I can't tell you how happy I am to see you. Please help me."

Katara was holding Meelo, but he squirms and struggled under her grip,

"Unhand me strange women!"

Pema and Aurora laugh as Pema starts descending from the Bison, Tenzin could be heard explaining to Meelo that Katara is his grandmother, Pema slides down the back of the Bison and Tenzin approaches them.

"Pema let me help you. Careful now. Careful"

Pema slaps his hands away, "Stop doting on me. I'm not helpless, I'm just pregnant."

Tenzin pulls away and airbends back on to the saddle, "Ready Aurora?"

Aurora nods, and Tenzin picks up a folded up chair and bends himself back down and pops it open. He adjust the bottom part and replaces the wheels with sled-runners for change in climate. Tenzin takes a step back and Aurora bends herself into the air, but she stumbles, and roughly plops down into it and holds her scar.

"Aurora!" He comes up to her protectively.

"Dad, I'm fine it's just-I don't like the cold."

Tenzin rolls his eyes and grabs the back of her sleid. And pushes her back to the group.

"The baby's strong. I see another airbender in your future." Katara says, holding Pema's stomach. Pema glares at her oldest daughter, who was sticking her tongue out.

"All, I want is a child like me! A nice non bender who doesn't blast wind in my face every 5 seconds!" Mom explains.

Just as she says that Meelo who was completely covered in snow says,

"Mommy look, I'm a snow bender," He whirls around with his airbending blasting Pema with snow. Pema holds an annoyed look in her face and shakes of the snow.

Tales of Aurora (Legend of Korra)Where stories live. Discover now