The Rally

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"What's the big idea with making me train this early in the morning? The morning is evil."

Korra states throwing the medicine ball at Bolin, who catches the ball.

"We're the rookies so we get the worst time slot in the gym." Bolins replies, throwing the ball over to Mako.

"And you're the rookiest of us all. We gotta get you up to speed if you want to survive in the tournament. Deal with it!" Mako then aggressively throws the ball at Korra, who winces and becomes annoyed.

"You deal with it!" Korra tosses the ball back to Mako hard, he catches it, but he's knocked completely off his feet to land skidding on his back. Aurora snapped out of her thought and look over at Mako on the mat and automatically looked over at Korra, who clearly had a satisfied expression on her face with her arms crossed.

A man walks into the room. "There are my little hardworking street urchins."

He walks over to Korra and Bolin, "It's an honor to finally meet you, Avatar. And you as well Master Aurora." He puts a hand on Korra's shoulder as Mako joins the group.

Korra looks over at the others in confusion, then back at the man, "And you are...?"

The man began sweeping his hat off his head in a showman's manner, "Butakah! I run this whole Probending shebang." Butahka replaces his hat and reaches into his coat for a stack of Republic City yuans. Korra walks away with an uninterested slump.

" Here's your winnings from the last match."

Butakha hands a grinning Mako the bills, but interrupts and wags a finger as Mako tries to take the money.

" Ah-ah! Not so fast. First, you owe me for the Avatar's new gear, ha, gym and equipment rentals for last month. Ah-ah! Rent on your apartment, and a personal loan for groceries."As he continues to speak, Butakha continues to take back yuans off the top of the pile.

Mako turns an angry pout on Bolin, who shrugs in response. Aurora watches the encounter while staying silent.

"What? I'm a growing boy!" he began rubbing his stomach.

Butakha snaps his fingers, "Oh! And one more small item of business. The Fire Ferrets need to ante up thirty thousand yuans for the Championship pot."

Bolin leans forward and his eyes grow wide, "Thirty thousand yuans!?"

Butakha puts his hands up, "Sorry, kids. You've got till the end of the week to come up with the dough, or else, you're out of the tournament."

He pats Mako on the shoulder, then walks away. Korra approaches Mako and Bolin again.

"You wouldn't happen to have a secret Avatar bank account, overflowing with gold, would you?" Bolin pleas to Korra. And glances at Aurora, "What about you, and ancient relative savings from Airbenders?"

Aurora apologetically says no while Korra turns her pockets inside out to show that they're empty, "I got nothing. I've never really needed money. I've always had people taking care of me.

Mako crosses his arms, "Then I wouldn't say you have nothing." He then goes to pick up the medicine ball, and packs it into an equipment bag.

Korra realizes what she said, "Sorry, I didn't mean..."

"No, it's alright. It's just... ever since we lost our parents, we've been on our own."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Korra replies, her voice laced with regret.

Mako zips the bag and throws it over his shoulder, "So anyway, how are we going to come up with the money?"

Bolin thinks for a second, "Oh! Oh! I got it!"

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