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"yes." lana replied.
"have you got all your underwear?" kirsty asked.
"yes." lana responded.
"have you got your- "yes mum i'm all packed. i've got everything i need." lana cut her mum off getting frustrated with her.

it was the sunday, the next day, and lana had texted jake later that night that she was coming to manchester tomorrow. it was in impulse decision really but she was not mad at all. on the phone, jake had gave lana even more information like her living situation. she was to be provided with a small apartment near the stadium. lana was relieved about not having to buy a new apartment. maria had came over earlier that morning to drop lana off a small gift, it was a picture frame with a collage of pictures of the two girls. maria gave lana a hug goodbye and left just before her parents got there. kirsty, her mum, had been panicking ever since she had arrived after maria. she was rushing around the place, checking every drawer twice, double checking to see if the fridge was empty and constantly needing reassurance from lana.

lana walked down the stairs carrying a large purple suitcase down them, once she got to the bottom, lana dumped the suitcase on the floor. mark, her dad, walked over and picked the suitcase up with it was a feather. he carried into the trunk of lana's parents car.
"so you are okay with aunt jenny coming to apartment sit while you are gone." kirsty asked lana. lana nodded.
"yeah it's no big deal. it's easier than me having to sell it." lana said happily.
"oh lana, i am so nervous for you." kirsty said walking over to her daughter and pulling her in for a tight hug.
"mum don't be silly, i will be fine." lana laughed hugging her mum back. lana's dad walked back into the apartment.
"let's go ladies, lana has a train to catch." mark said a hit of excitement in his voice. the three walked out of the apartment, lana the last one out. she closed the door behind her and turned around to face the door. she grabbed the key that was in the lock and twisted it right, locking the door. with a small smile, lana pulled the keys from the keyhole and walked away from her apartment. not for forever, just for now.

lana hummed to the music in the backseat of the car, it played quietly. her dad was driving and her mum sat in the passenger seat, her leg bobbling up and down anxiously. the car ride wasn't very long but the traffic surrounding the busy street of main town liverpool told another story. it took an extra five minutes to make it to the train station, lana had around eight minutes to catch her train. the car stopped at the side of the road, it was a drop off area. lana jumped out of the car and immediately dove into the car boot, grabbing her suitcase. she walked to the drivers side of the car, her dad had rolled down the window so they could give each other a small hug. lana's mum did the same.
"stay safe lanaloo, please keep in contact." mark called out to his daughter as she pulled the handle of her suitcase and began to pull it on the wheels.
"will do. i love you guys." lana said smiling.
"i love you too." both parents said in unison. with a smile and a wave, lana turned around and walked into the train station, she walked to her future.

after a little struggle to find the correct station, lana finally found the correct train. she slipped on the pretty full train and found an empty row of seats. she picked up her suitcase and placed it in the upper baggage area before sitting down comfortably. she sighed bringing out her phone, she tapped on the messages app and taps on her mum's contact.

i just got on the train, it will be leaving soon. i'll text you when i'm in manchester !
delivered at 12:57

lana placed her phone on her lap before her phone dinged, she picked it up.

that's great honey,
           safe travels. me and your father will be waiting on the text.

lana smiled at the message from her mum, again, she placed her phone on her lap. the train began moving at the clock hit 1:00. with a satisfied smile, lana watched the view on liverpool train station fade into a distant memory.

"this train will now be stopping at manchester piccadilly station. when leaving this train please, mind the gap." the intercom spoke loudly. lana had sat on her phone the whole train ride, it was extremely boring. once lana had heard the woman on the intercom, her face lit up. she began to stand and grabbed her suitcase from the baggage area. she stuffed her phone into her jeans pocket as the train came to a full halt. the doors opened as the fresh air poured into the train. it was particularly warm which was unusual. lana wheeled her suitcase out from the train as she stood out on the platform. now lana had to call jake, there was a taxi driver waiting for her in the main station which she had no idea how to get to. after a few rings, a voice came from the other side of the phone.

"lana. hello, have you just arrived in manchester?" jake asked opening the call. lana nodded in response even though he couldn't see her.
"yeah i have just one problem though." lana said.
"and what is that?" jake asked curiously.
"where do i meet the driver?" lana asked. jake began to laugh, it was obviously funny to him because it was strange giving someone directions through a place he knows so well.
"do you see the stairs on your left. no! your right sorry." jake said. lana pivoted left and then to right.
"oh yes i see them." lana said.
"well start making your way over and walk up them..." jake said.


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