Pt. 37

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Monday came along. I didn't know what time it was, but I woke up anyway. I look over at my phone which shown 9:31 am. Oh, damn.

"Well, you're finally up." Matt says.

I just take my laptop and start watching some anime. Mute, my ass. Only people, I'll talk to: Zach, Mig, and the guys at my recording studio.

I mean, I'll talk to Matt and Tyler but like only when I need to. I just feel like my depression is getting worse and worse as the year progresses. Zach, Mig, Cole, Nic, Matt and Tyler seem to be the ones I feel like it's getting better. Like it's getting better and worse at the same time.

"Getting used to him being mute, will kinda be a challenge." Tyler says.

"I'm gonna kill Liam. After all, this was his fault." Matt says.

"Not entirely. It's also the people Liam hangs with." Tyler says.

"So, it's Liam's fault." Matt replies. "I'm still gonna kill him."

"Please do." I say.

And just as I say that, I get a text from...Marilynn? Why is she texting me!? She rarely texts unless it's to see how I'm doing or it's something to do with my father.

Marilynn: Hey. How are you holding up?

Me: Mute...

Marilynn: You're joking..! I mean, I knew you were depressed, but this..??

Me: Some asshole brother of mine thought it was a good idea to bring up you-know-who after telling them he is an alcoholic and killed my mother due to abuse and still continued to bully me. Not to mention his friends...I'd rather be mute than have to deal with him

Marilynn: Oh, shit. Sorry, to hear. Matt and Tyler have emailed me talking about that but I didn't know it was this bad. They even mentioned the fact that you've been in the hospital twice since I put you in their care.

Me: One due to that asshole and another due to seniors. Despite all that...there have been some good things

Marilynn: Like what?

Me: I have friends, I got a boyfriend (who is technically one of my brothers) and I got a job so there's that

Marilynn: You're dating one of your brothers??

Me: not related my blood!

Marilynn: You have a point, there. However, I'm gonna take your attention back to your father. He's getting released in 2 days.

Me: . . . He's just gonna end up back there!

Marilynn: You don't know that.

Me: whatever

Ugh! I just threw my phone at my wall. I hope that didn't break..That just made things worse! Fuck my life!

"Did he just—?" Matt asks.

"Why did you...throw" Tyler asks but then he saw my messages.

"What is it, Ty?" Matt asks.

I didn't hear anything from them but I knew they were talking about my dad and what will happen. They even had my phone.

"He's doing what I think he is, isn't he?" Tyler asks looking at Matt.

Matt was on his phone probably looking at emails. Why would he be—Zach! He didn't—No, he did! He had to have!

"He is..." Matt replies.

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