Pt. 21

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"Matt and Tyler. Truth or Truth?" Liam asks.

"Wait...I know where this is going to go." Matt says.

Once I realised what Matt was talking about it, I went quiet. Damn, either they're doing this for Anders' channel or they just want to know more about us.

"Fine." I say.

"It's not really Truth or Truth. It's more a most likely to with all of us. Or if it's already happened who as the bigger x in high school." Anders says. "Y'all don't mind if I film this, right?"

"I don't care." Matt says.

"No." I say.

Anders got his setup on the TV. He kinda explained to whoever might watch this video what will be happening. First part, they'll be asking the questions but Matt and Tyler figure out who'll most likely to do that. Second part is the same, except we can't choose any of them. We have to choose between the two of us.

"Most likely to drop out of high school." Anders says.

"Can we pick more than one?" I ask.

"Yes." Anders says.

Liam and Anders would be the most likely to drop out of high school so I went with them. Matt just went with Liam.

"Most likely to marry first." Danny says.

"Haha. This is easy." Matt says.

"Oh, went straight to Anders and Zach?" Liam asks.

"Out of all of us? Yeah, I agree with them." Zach says.

"Moving on. Most likely to get/have a kid first." Anders says.

What?? I mean, technically lesbian couples can have biological kids if they get a donor. Gay couple can also have biological kids if they—you get the point, don't you?

Eventually, it got to Matt and myself. The others left the scene leaving Matt and I on the couch with Anders and Zach behind us.

"Throwback time to high school. This is 'Who was the ___ In High School.'" Anders says.

"Fair." I say.

"Who had the dirtiest mind?" Anders asks.

I almost choked when he said that. I did not see that coming. Matt pointed at me. I have to agree with that because I tell you not, I'm the top out of the two us so I kinda makes sense. I did have a dirty mind when I was younger.

"Who was the biggest tsundere?" Anders asks.

"Both of us." I say.

"Who denied feelings more?" Zach asks.

"Ty." Matt says.

"I think it was you." I say.

"Whatever. Moving on." Matt says.

"Who was the biggest troublemaker?" Anders asks even though he knew the answer.

"Me. Definitely me. You never got in trouble." I say.

"It's him. He got in trouble daily." Matt says looking at the camera.

"Final question. Who was the popular one?" Anders asks.

"Ty, for sure." Matt says.

"It has to be me." I say.

Anders casually flipped over the couch to say bye to the camera and turned it off. Technically, he just rolled over the couch.

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