Pt. 16

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A week has passed since I told Zach I like him. And no, we haven't done the you-know-what. Why would we do that?

I woke up as usual, but I didn't wake up to my alarm. I woke up to my phone ringing. I don't answer it as I don't know the number.

And who calls someone at 4:12 am!? Who the hell does that!? Now that I'm up, I just decide to watch some anime.

A bit later, like when the others are getting up later, I end up overhearing a bit of Tyler and Matt's conversation.

"I mean, not really. He's not exactly known for getting shit done." Matt says.

Who are they talking about? Only by what he said, I can assume it's me, Danny or Liam.

"We don't know that. We haven't gotten any of their grades yet." Tyler says.

"It's almost like we see them do their homework. Well, except for Anders." Matt says.

"We can guarantee he has passing grades. He started later than the others. Even if he hasn't been doing it, he'd be passing his classes." Tyler replies.

Oh..they're talking about me. Great, now I can know what they talk about..

"Have you not noticed how he's more focused on his art and photography/film class? He did that one math project as it was a group project with Michigan. He might be passing this quarter, but that's going to fall flat coming the next quarter." Matt says.

I look at the pile of homework I have on my floor. None have been done. Matt is right, I will start failing classes since I'll like never do my homework.

"I realise that. I've noticed these things as well. I knew this would happen. Though, his fighting did go down to a slight minimum ever since well..when he told Zach he liked him." Tyler says.

I got out of bed a few minutes later, got into uniform, grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs. For the first time, I wasn't the last one down.

"Seems like you're in a rush to get outta here." Tyler says.

"Yo.." Liam says.


"Just put it in the hole." I heard Jamie mumble to himself while at the TV playing a video game.

"That's what she said." I say.

Tyler's face when I said that, though. Matt just smirked. I can't believe I said that. I had to, mate! I even made Liam laugh at it.

"Ey, Zach!" Liam says when he came down the stairs.

"What?" Zach asks.

"Spell 'me'." Liam says.

I know where this is going. Tyler and Matt just looked at each other. They have no idea. Liam even looked at me. I know perfectly well where this is going.

"M-E. Now, what do—" Zach starts.

"You forgot the d." Liam says.

"There's no d in me." Zach replies.

"Not yet." I say.

Zach went red. I even went red when I said that. Matt just laughed. Tyler was just..well, Tyler. I knew Liam was going to go along that line, somehow.

"Not to be that person, but if y'all fuck..we will know." Tyler says.

"Like we know y'all fuck?" I ask.

"Oh, snap." Danny says.

"I—Wait, what!?" Tyler exclaims but I already left.

I surprise 'attack' Michigan.She was so scared. The look on her face when she say me was hilarious.

"Jesus, Anders." Mig says.

"So...I told Zach I liked him. And that was only last week." I say.

"You're joking." Mig says.

"Nope. And he liked me back." I say.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Mig asks.

"I don't know. Just didn't." I reply.

Today is the last day of the quarter, so I hope it's more of a chill day. Despite me not doing anything other than my elective classes, I will be passing but only because I came later than everyone else.

"Man, I can't wait to see our grades! We're supposed to get them today!" Mig says.

"I know. I wonder what we'll be doing tomorrow since it'll be the start of a new quarter." I say.

"I don't know. I hope it's something good." Mig says.

I will say, it was a pretty chill day. I was just chilling in first period doing whatever, talking with Mig.

"Our grades are all online. No report card bullshit we had back in elementary school." Mig says.

I checked my grades as soon as I could figure out how. There we go! B's? Not bad. I have A's in 3 classes.

How do I have an A in science? I'm very confused on that part. How the hell do I have an A in that class??

The rest of the day went by normally, I guess. I didn't bother with lunch today. Zach ended up sitting with Mig and I.

"Is this going to be a norm for you?" Mig asks him.

"It can be." Zach says.

"Quick question, y'all have permits yet?" Mig asks.

"Not yet, but I've been studying for one. We are old enough." I reply.

"You have?" Zach asks.

"You haven't?" I ask.

"I didn't realise you were studying to get your permit." Zach says.

"Tyler knew I was." I reply.

"So, you wanna go out with me?" Zach asks finally.

Uhh...well, obviously! I want to go on a date with him. I really do, but I've never been on before. What would I wear??

"Y-yes." I say.

Finally! I'm going on a date! I'm going on a date with Zach! I'm going on a date with him! My first date like ever!

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