Pt. 3

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Michigan was able to fit in the car we have. I sat on my phone the entire time home. Michigan and I already discussed what we were going to do for this project. Matt and Tyler were arguing over whatever but it was hard to make out what they were saying.

"You guys know the deal. Anders, Michigan you are free to work up in Anders' room." Matt says.

"Not often you get to work in your room." Liam says.

"There's exceptions, Liam." Matt says.

Michigan and I go up to my room. When I opened my room, I noticed that Tyler and Matt did some shopping for me.

"So, you're a foster kid?" Michigan asks.

" mom died due to an abusive relationship and my dad was arrested because of it." I reply.

"Right. So I was thinking," Michigan says.

We worked on our project some. We knew it would take us more than a day to complete, as we have a week to get it done.

"Tell me about yourself." Michigan says.

"Why?" I ask.

"If this is going to be a normal thing we do, I might as well get to know you." Michigan says.

"I guess. I'm a sophomore. I've been in foster care since basically forever. I self-taught myself how to fight as well as gymnastics. I'm a gamer, weeb and artist. Not to mention, I'm an alright photographer." I say.

"I mean judging by your gaming PC and artist set up you got on your desk, I kinda assumed you were a gamer and artist." Michigan says.

"I don't even know what gave away all that to Matt and Tyler, but now I have a shit ton of anime posters, and fanboy posters of the bands I listen to." I say.

"We may or may not have judged based on your anime pins on your backpack. Also, the gaming PC on your desk gave it away." Matt says.

"Then what gave away everything else?" I asked.

"What? The fact that you're a fanboy of 5sos and BTS? Or the fact that you're an artist and photographer?" Matt asks.

"Yes, that. I didn't exactly make—did you go through my shit?" I ask.

"No, but we did notice the camera sitting on your floor. Also, we may or may not have seen some drawings of yours. Really, NSFW drawings? Do you have anything that's not NSFW?" Matt asks.

"Yes, on my laptop." I reply.

"By the way Michigan, feel free to come over any time as long as we know you're coming." Matt says looking at her than at me.

"At least he's made a friend." Liam says.

"No need to be jealous." I say.

"I'm not jealous." Liam says.

Matt and Liam left Michigan and I alone. I guess I can consider Michigan a friend. She's better than no friends.

"What about you? What should I know about you?" I ask.

"Well, I'm the same age as you. I have two siblings. Both seniors. Brother and sister. My brother is highly overprotective. I'm a photographer and artist." Michigan says. "Oh yeah, I also watch the occasional anime."

We had a lot more in common than I thought. The rest time I spent drawing with the occasional memes and drawing ideas from Michigan.

"Wait! You draw such good stuff despite it being NSFW." Michigan says.

"It's not all like this. I can draw clothes on my characters. I just don't a lot of the time. There's also some more sexual ones, which is even more NSFW." I reply.

"So, how do you like your brothers?" Michigan asks.

"Well Jamie seems to be the quiet one, which is nice. Liam hates me and the rest are alright." I say.

"Like any of them? As in as a crush on." Michigan says.

"Even if I did, it's against foster care rules." I say.

"That doesn't prevent you from liking one of them." Michigan replies.

"That's fair. Plus, I usually don't realize I like someone until a few days or a week after meeting them for the first time." I say. "Wait, what makes you think I like boys?"

"Are you serious? I found it pretty obvious, not only by how your uniform looked when we first met even it was you just being a troublemaker and by the drawings you do considering it's mostly male." Michigan says.

"Fair. But I doubt your brother will think that way. He wouldn't know I'm well..not straight." I reply.

"That is something for later. Liam seemed jealous ever since realising we're friends whether it's because he likes you or me." Michigan says.

Michigan decided to do more the other homework we got. I honestly couldn't bother with it. This is one of the advantages to working in my room.

Also, the photography class is technically a photography and film class meaning we will be doing the occasional film. You know, where we make our own films of whatever it is.

My electives are the only classes I truly care about. If there's a project, sure I'll do it but still I could less about everything else.

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