Chapter 27 : Pool Area

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Now that i think about it , I haven't seen the whole university yet.. since there are still 45 minutes left for the class to get over , i might as well do some adventure..

I thought as i started to read the map...

Gymnasium, baaketball court ......

"Oh so the second floor has library" i said to no one in particular "oh they have another one on 4th floor"

"Oh and a pool area too?! thats nice!" I noticed the pool area that was mentioned on the second building's ground floor.

"I didnt know they had a pool area here , my previous university did not have a pool." I sighed

"Ok so lets go and check the pool area." I made my way outside from the main building as i passed by the open ground again , the same ground that held bad memories ; jungkook shoving me off , my pictures being leaked etc etc..

Shrugging these thoughts away , I crossed the ground and made my way to the opposite building, it was built the same way as the main building.

Students passed by me shooting me creepy and disgusting glances...

Ofcourse those pictures..

I made my way further inside , passing 2 corridors , then left and then right until i came across a door that had a name plate of "pool area" on it .

I pushed the door open only to be surprised at the view , it was bigger than I expected..

A cacophony of voices and splashes greeted my ears as i entered.

There was a large pool that was purposely built for water sports displayed in between , with another massive pool but smaller than it beside it which was about 18 feet deep and had a jumping pad for diving .

There was another big one that mostly had the female students in it .

Another pool joined with this one , it was smaller but still huge ..
All in all , all these pools were bigger than the ones i had seen in my entire life ..

Just in the centre ,of all the pools was a small jacuzzi.. WOAH!

There were plastic seats surrounding the pools with extra coats and towels draped over them .

At one corner they had girls changing room while the opposite corner had boys changing room.

"This is the best to hold pool parties , like literally." I muttered to myself as a wide smile made its way to my mouth.

I always get amused by pools and all , explains why i chose to go all the way to the other building and check out the pool area and not the gymnasium or library etc which was already in the main building where i usually have my classes .. hehehe

Shirtless Guys ran after each other as they played with water guns all over the area..

Girls giggled as they gushed over the shirtless 6- packed perfectly toned guys who were up for some kind of competition..

"Hahaha Jimin." I noticed a figure on the diving board ready for the dive.

So they were gushing over him.. i didn't know jimin was into water sports too..

I wonder if jungkook is here too
Brain : dont even think about him , its better that he is not here.
Me: mhm ...

I noticed how The ceiling to floor length windows bathed the pools with light..

Splashes, squeals, broad smiles, laughs, loud music, jumping pads, floats, water slides, water guns, water tubes, life guards' patrol....

Even Flags hung from roof rafters...

"This is amazing" i spoke again..

"Is this always this noisy" i made my way further inside as i further took in my surroundings..

"Look who is here." I heard a familiar creepy voice..

"Steve , i don't have time for this." I snapped at him and turned around .

"Hey wait." He grabbed my hand.

"What the hell." I jerked my hand away from him.

Jungkook's POV

"Hey jungkook isnt that girl hot?" A guy beside me said as he pointed towards a girl in hot pink bikini making her way upto the slide.

"Seriously, is this the only sole reason you come here , John?" I mocked him.

"Aish you are no fun."

"Heyyyyyyyy." Someone patted my shoulder with an extremely seductive voice..

Ofcourse rika ! Who else ?

"Rika I .." before i could say anything , she sat on my lap.

"Hooooo" some guys and girls started hooting as she sat on my lap..

"Get off"

"Get off"

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"Get off! Don't you have a least bit of self respect."Her expressions turned from that of seduction to pain as she got off me.

They never learn..

"Do you even realise how lucky you are , all of them come for you!" Whispered the freak steve beside me .

I gave him an 'are you serious look' before speaking "seriously if thats the case , i wish i wasnt lucky , You and Rika are same , have some self respect." I finished as i got up from the seat and made my way towards the pool where jimin was having his competition..

"When is this competition going to get over." I muttered to myself as i looked at jimin who was ready to dive in..

I and jimin were bunking our physics class for this competition, he asked me to come with him and i had no other choice ..

Now i am literally stuck here until this gets over ..

I heard the refree whistle as he signed for the end of competition.

Finally! Thank you God! I should have prayed for this earlier.

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