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(to hopefully stop confusion, im rewriting the beginning of the story ok. i unpublished all the chapters and will be uploading the new edited versions as soon as they are done. please let me know what you think of the new chaps!! it would mean LOADS!! first chaps are always rough for me soz)

The warning bell rang, Michael laughed as he watched little lower-class men scurry off to their classes, Michael didn't care if he was late to class, it was his senior year, and he didn't plan on going to college. On the other hand, Luke was a straight A student, ever since his first day of school he has always been the first student to class. Luke was aware he was going to get valedictorian and get into an amazing school because of his multiple efforts towards charity's and his perfect GPA.

If anyone took a look at the two, they would immediately identify them as polar opposites, and then ask, Who's Luke Hemmings?

Luke was seated in the front of Mr. Chandler's classroom, no matter what class it was, he always sat in the front row so he could easily hear the teacher, read the notes on the board, and rush out of class.

Every time Michael would walk in to homeroom with his two best friends, Calum and Ashton, Luke would always find himself admiring Michael. He knew his little crush was silly and bashful, but there was something about that boy that made Luke's heart race.

When Michael walked in that day, Luke could instantly feel his palms sweat, he tried to look at Michael secretively, but Michael caught his gaze and winked at him, making Luke's heart skip a beat and a blush covering his cheeks.

Michael also had a little thing for the cute blonde, he couldn't help but find the boy irresistible. Only Cal and Ash knew about his little gay crush, everyone else saw Michael as a ladies man. He didn't know how people would react, and he was scared to find out.

Luke twirled his pencil in his fingers, sighing happily to himself. Luke was always very quiet, he was extremely shy during his beginning years. Luke wishes his big brothers were still in school, sometimes the jocks will be oh-so cliché because Luke is a quiet, straight A, gay student, and apparently thats not good enough for them. They have 'a reputation to uphold'. Sure, it upsets Luke, he just wishes they would stop giving him little shoves in the hallway and leave him alone.

Luke finds his smile fading, so he tries doodling cute smiley faces all over his notebook.

"Listen up!" Mr.Chandler claps and it startles Luke a little bit. "I know you all are very excited to find out where this year's senior trip is going to be. Drum roll please!" The whole class, except for Luke, who's doodling and barely paying attention, begins to bang on the desks.

"We are going to Disney, in Florida!" The class either erupts in cheers, or in groans, and Luke's head shoots up, he loves Disney. He nearly squeals.

"Hate to break it to the happy couples, but the rooming will be with the same sex, the pairings are posted on the board in the lunch room. Calum, Ashton, no funny business."


Throughout the day, everyone had collected permission slips and went to the lunch board to find out who they were paired with, everyone seemed to be happy, especially Calum and Ashton, who wouldn't stop kissing and wouldn't move from the board.

Luke cleared his throat and mumbled a quiet, "Excuse me." making the two separate and mumble 'sorry' in return.

Luke gazed over the paper, his finger stopping at his name and dragging it over until he saw his partner, Michael Clifford.

Luke didn't even notice the colored hair boy standing near him until he said, "See ya later, blondie." and walked off with a wink. Luke nearly died.

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