three :-)

355 27 12

**unedited (duh)**

kinda proud of this chap?? i dunno HMU WITH WHATCHU THINK HOMIE


day 2.

"Hey Michael?" Luke called out, fiddling with his thumbs. Michael had been done showering for a long time but had yet to come out of the bathroom.

"Sup' Puke?" Michael teased, drying his hair with a towel and finally walking out of the bathroom.

"I told you not to call me that," Luke pouted, his bottom lip jutting out adorably. Michael mock-pouted back, making Luke stick out his tongue childishly.

"I know, and I chose not to listen and call you Puke regardless. Anyways, what's going on in that beautiful mind?" Michael sat down next to Luke, laying down on the bed. Luke knew Michael was just quoting a song, but it still made butterflies appear in his stomach.

"What do you plan on doing after high school?" Luke mentally screamed at himself for pushing away his original question. He didn't want to appear any weirder to Michael.

"Not too sure, I don't wanna go to college, kinda wanna pursue a career in music, you?" Luke was surprised by Michael's answer. Luke was so excited for college. Technically, Luke was already at a college level, so he was excited to finally be able to learn some new things.

"I got excepted into Harvard, so I'll be going there, majoring in Photography. I was gonna go for Neuropsychology, but I decided to go with my true passion." Luke shrugged, playing with a loose string on his sweatshirt. (hey ps! i dont know jack shIT about college so forgive me for any mistakes)

Michael's jaw dropped. He heard Calum say Luke was smart, but he didn't know he was that smart. "Holy shit, Luke, that's fuckin' awesome! What even is a Narutopsychologist anyways? Do you have your camera with you?" Michael rambled, amazed by the beautiful blond in front of him.

"Neuropsychologist," Luke corrected with a cute giggle, "It's someone that studies the relationship between the brain and its behavior. And of course I brought my baby with me, want me to get it?" Michael nodded, excited to see the boy's work.

Luke brought his whole camera bag back to the bed, The Bachelorette playing softly on the TV, Luke's request. "I only brought one with me, had to keep the rest at home. But you can look through the pictures."

Luke handed Michael the camera, who looked at the pictures with such a fond expression. "Some of them are old, so, don't make fun." Luke requested quietly, just as Michael saw and old picture of Luke, "Nice fringe."

"Shut up," Luke blushed, his cheeks always seemed to be a lovely shade of red. Usually, that would annoy Michael, but with Luke, he thought it was just so cute.

"I remember going to that concert," Luke said, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. An absolutely gorgeous picture of Matty Healy was displayed on the screen. "I had just gotten the hang of photography and I worked my bum off to get front row seats. I had the biggest crush on Matty, it was like, one of the best nights of my life."

Michael kept admiring the photos of the concert. It was like Luke was able to sum up the beauty of all of The 1975's lyrics, into pictures. "What's your favorite song by them?"

Luke tapped his chin mockingly, "Tough question. Probably Robbers or So Far (It's Alright), do you know them?" Luke was so obsessed with trying to find out what songs really meant. Despite being a total genius, Luke could never, ever decipher what songs were about. No one could ever understand how much it frustrated him, it was the one thing he felt so stupid about.

Michael was the opposite. Michael didn't give two fucks about school and what they teach you. The only thing Michael truly knew about was music. Michael was so good at figuring out what songs meant, which is what made them a thousand times better. Michael always found these lyrics that would stick with him, they would always pop out to him, he wanted them all permanently engraved on his skin.

"Really? My favorite is Sex, the meaning behind the song drives me fucking insane. It's about this typical prim and proper girl who's got no clue what she wants. She's already got this boyfriend, but she kinda wants something else, y'know? So she goes after someone else, all she wants is casual sex. But this dude--this dude is craving something else, he wants to build something with her, connect with her, but she doesn't think she wants that. He says's 'I'm about to fill his shoes,' meaning the boyfriend she already has, so they're gonna go all the way, and then she says no! She say's no! Totally lead him on." Michael rambles, unable to contain himself.

"How did you get all of that from a song?" Luke wonders, amazed. "I can never figure out what songs truly mean, do you know more?" Michael nodded enthusiastically.

That's how the next three hours were spent. Luke would ask about a song he was dying to know the meaning of, and Michael would gladly explain. Luke was so happy. Michael was giving Luke perfect explanations that made his heart race. Michael's voice was so smooth and alluring, Luke was positive it could help him fall asleep late at night. Sometimes, Luke would find himself listening to Michael's voice, not the explanation he would give. He also found himself staring at Michael's lips. Luke found it magical that his lips would turn a sinful shade of red simply after licking them.

Luke was satisfied with the new knowledge and Michael wanted to see more of Luke's photos. They were laid on Michael's bed, laying close, but far enough so their arms barely touched.

It was on the 331 picture where Michael's jaw dropped and Luke shot up, a tiny squeak escaping his lips and blush covering his whole body. "Oh my god! I am so sorry you had to see that," Luke squealed, his fingers shaking wildly.

"What's wrong with it? It's not like you were nude," Michael sat up as well, reaching out for the camera in the flushed boy's hands. "Let me see it."

"N-no, I--I was trying to hard to be sexy. It's so ugly, I'm sorry-" Luke mumbled, trying to delete the photo but Michael slapped his hand, stopping him. "C'mon, I won't judge, let me see." Michael said gently and Luke slowly handed the camera.

The first picture showed Luke sitting on his bed, his feet tucked under his bum. He was wearing a large white t-shirt and black Calvin Klein's.His teeth were biting down on his pointer finger, his eyes were widened slightly, feigning innocence.

The next picture held the same position, except Luke's pointer finger was dragging down his plump bottom limp, his eyes were pulling you in, Michael was unable to look away.

The third picture had the same position as the two before. Luke's bottom lip was being tugged by his teeth and his eyes held a lustful stare. His eyes hadn't widened or closed at all, but the look Luke was giving the camera was so hot, Michael had to go to the next picture.

The final picture displayed Luke laughing. His nose was scrunched up and his eyes were closed slightly. His head was tilted back and his gorgeous pearly whites were on full display. Michael never knew it was possible to fall in love with a picture. "Fucking hell, Luke," Michael said, nearly groaning.

"What? Are they ugly? Am I trying to hard? God, I knew it, just delete th-" Michael cut Luke off with a small laugh.

"No Luke, they aren't ugly, at all. They're sexy, so fucking sexy. So beautiful." Michael mumbled, he literally couldn't look away from the pictures.

"Don't be silly, Michael." Luke played with his fingers, wishing he never took those.

"Shut up, Luke. You are so sexy, no joke. I physically can't look away from these. Fuck, you're so beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking." Michael said, finally looking up at Luke.

"You think so? You think I'm pretty?" If Michael said yes, Luke's confidence would burst through the roof.

"Yeah," Michael breathed out, staring intently into Luke's eyes, "Too pretty for your own good."


idk what i just wrote its 2:07 in the morning

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