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sry if i get some info wrong about the amusement parks i dunno shit about them ALSOOOO!!

i kinda wanna change the name of the book! any suggestions? opinions?

Day 5.

Michael was so so excited to go to Universal Studios today, he had the biggest obsession with Harry Potter, it was so cute.

Michael was currently dragging Luke with him so they could wait in line to go on Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. The group of four would always stay together because they were starting to grow on each other (and quite frankly, they really didn't like their senior class).

Calum and Ashton were always all over each other, Luke sometimes found himself looking at the adorable duo, he just couldn't help it. He was so jealous of them, they were so cute and jeez, Luke has never been in a real relationship before, due to the fact that his head was always stuck in a textbook and his lips were sealed shut.

A tug on his arm brought him out of his depressing thoughts, Luke's tall figure stumbled behind Michael, Mike's fingers grasping onto Luke's forearm and pulling him along the line.

"This ride is so cool, I went on it a while ago, it was very dark, hope that won't bother you," Michael teased, but little did Michael know.

Shit, Luke thought, as childish as it sounded, the blonde's biggest fear was the dark. He would always defend himself to his older brothers when they would tease him by saying, I'm not afraid of the dark! I'm just afraid of what's in it! They knew it was total bullshit.

"Oh--yeah! N-no problem at all," Luke failed at sounded confident, cursing to himself in his brain. Luke let Michael pull him along, half listening to the facts Michael was blubbering out.

It's not that Luke wasn't paying attention to Michael, he was paying too much attention to Michael, he couldn't focus on a word he had said.

Of course Luke had a crush on Michael, the boy who was known for being straight as a pole, who had never shown interest in boys, of course.

Of course Michael had taken over Luke's mind and had become some sort of drug that Luke couldn't get enough of. The blonde has never been in a relationship before, besides in third grade when he kissed Mary-Jane behind the oak tree. But even then, Luke knew girls weren't for him.

Luke has read way too many Jalex fan-fictions, he wants to feel that connection the two seem to have in every book, he feels a little bit of that with Michael, he hopes Michael can feel it too.

The two have only known each other for five days, but they both feel a spark between them. But, they both have things their scared of; Luke being scared that Michael will never like him back. Michael being scared that after he's outed himself, no one will look at him the same.

The wait wasn't as long as Luke hoped it would be, before he could register it, he was being strapped into a cart with his 3 new friends (and one hopefully more than friend).

Luke tried to deal with the darkness, but a dragon popped out of the ass crack of nowhere, Luke's shaky fingers tangled into Michael's, Michael held back a smirk and gave the cute blonde's hand a squeeze.

Michael had developed a fondness for the younger boy, how couldn't he? Once he saw those pictures of Luke, his pupils practically melted into hearts and stayed that way whenever he was around the blonde.

The only thing that popped into Michael's mind that would help calm Luke down, was to grab his hand and kiss Luke's knuckles, and somehow, it seemed to calm the younger boy down. Luke actually smiled and enjoyed the ride, enjoyed the time he was spending with his crush, Luke and Michael were happy.

The rest of the day the group had gone on many different rides, Luke totally didn't find more excuses to hold Michael's hand. Sometimes, Michael would pull his hand back when he thought he saw someone looking at them. Luke would frown, his chest would grow heavy and his hand would feel empty.

But, Michael did let Luke rest his sleepy body against Michael's when they took the bus back to the hotel. Michael played with Luke's hair softly which made him almost purr in content, he has never fallen asleep so quickly.

Michael carried Luke to their room, struggling to open the door while Luke clung to him like a koala. Yet another thing Mike had come to like about Luke, he was always up for a cuddle. Luke was just a cuddly little bear. He was also (unofficially) Michael's cuddly little bear. Michael laid Luke down on his bed, because there was no way they would sleep on two different beds, anyways.

Michael began to gently undress the beauty in front of him, hoping he wouldn't wake Luke, even though he was a very heavy sleeper. Michael definitely didn't want Luke to wake up as he tugged down the black skin tight jeans, what an awkward situation that would be.

Luke was half asleep, he knew Michael was taking care of him, making sure Luke got comfy before Michael himself did. Luke's heart was skipping a thousand beats, even Luke's mama never treated him like this when she used to tuck him in (maybe she still does).

Luke felt the bed dip and a warm body laid next to his, an arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him impossibly close. Soft fingers slipped under Luke's baggy tee and rubbed little circles on his hips, Luke fought against letting out a sigh of content.

Gentle kisses were placed all around the back of Luke's neck. Michael knew better then to try to fight the feelings he was starting to develop for Luke, there was no use. Michael sighed, nuzzling his face into the pillow and squeezing Luke's hip.

"Goodnight, beautiful," Michael mumbled, ready to go to bed. He was almost asleep until he heard a tiny whisper say, "Nighty night."


y'all okay w smut next chap or

i wrote this at 2:30 am pardon any mistakes :-)

fluffy fluff

i am the worst!!!!!

i am so so so so sorry i promise to try and update more!!!!


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