two bitch

435 32 24

(pouts lemme know whatchu think of the edits im making)

DAY 1.

When Michael boarded the plane, he wasn't too surprised to see Luke already sitting in the window seat, his leg bouncing nervously and he was gnawing on his bottom lip. Michael was about to speak up and say that it was actually his seat, but once Luke looked up at Michael with those gorgeous baby blues, Michael just smiled and put his stuff in the overhead compartment.

Michael was so happy to be sitting in the back of the plane, he was closest to the bathroom and when the food carts came around, he would get first pick.

Luke was staring intently out the window. He had never been on a plane before, and he was hoping his first experience wouldn't involve scaring his crush away.

The flight attendants began going over the safety procedures, Luke barely paid attention. Soon enough, the plane began to move and Luke was about to shit himself.

"You okay, bud?" Michael asked softly, raising his eyebrows and hesitating to grab Luke's hand and comfort him.

"Never been on a plane before," Luke mumbled, his tiny hand grasping Michael's when the plane began to take off, he needed something to hold onto, he also wanted to hold Michael's hand.

Michael twined his fingers with Luke's shaky ones, rubbing Luke's hand with the pad of his thumb, Luke couldn't fight the goosebumps that rose on his pale skin. "Relax, you're gonna be fine."


Michael grabbed his suitcase from the compartment. He sighed seeing the slow movement of everyone ahead of them, he hated waiting.

Luke bit his lip and blushed slightly, clearing his throat and turning to face Michael. "I--um, Michael? Could you grab my bag for me?" Luke mumbled nervously, embarrassed he couldn't get it down for himself.

Michael gladly grabbed Luke's bag from above, setting it down and pulling the handle up for him. "How did you get it up there?"

Luke blushed a million shades of crimson, "I asked the stewardess to help me," Michael laughed very loud and Luke jabbed his side, "Shut up, you dingleberry."

"Did you just call me a dingleberry?" Michael asked, amused, and also trying to catch up with Luke who was practically running off the plane. Michael took noticed that Luke thanked everyone, and even asked a flight attendant to thank the captains for him. So polite.

"Maybe," Luke shrugged, feeling sheepish for using the word. "Cute. Anyways, I want you to meet my best friends, Cashton." Michael tugged Luke forward and they tried to catch up to the duo, who were cutely holding hands.

((keeping up with the karcashton(s)??))

"Jesus, slow down you two," Calum jumped slightly, Mike had obviously ruined their comfy silence. "Cal, Ash, this is Luke,"

Luke waved adorably and Calum being Calum, went straight for a hug. "Hi Luke! I'm Calum, I'm in your Maths class, you're very smart, can you help me out sometime?" Calum was so quick when he spoke, it kind of startled Luke, so he just nodded.

Ashton stuck out his hand, which Luke politely shook, "I'm Ash, I'm this goof's boyfriend," Ashton stated proudly, ruffling Calum's hair which made the kiwi pout and swat his chest, mumbling, "You messed up my hair. Luke, your hair is so perfectly quiffed, will you give me tips?"

Luke was so happy someone appreciated his quiff, "Of course." Luke nodded happily and Calum pulled Luke forward so they could talk.

"Saw you two holding hands," Ashton smirked, nudging Michael's shoulder. Michael rolled his eyes teasingly and nudged him back, "He was scared, I was being friendly."

"Yeah? That's why you got his bag for him and then introduced him to your closest friends? Hm? I always see you looking at him in homeroom, don't be coy." Ashton was right, as usual.

"It's just a little crush, shut the fuck up, you dingleberry." Michael retorted, using Luke's word from earlier.


When the large bus pulls up to the hotel, Luke is itching to get out of the bus, it's so crowded and he absolutely can't stand it.

As soon as the room keys are finished being given out, the bus doors open, Luke bursts out, his long legs carrying him to the elevator with ease.

Michael has to push past various groups of students to catch up to Luke. "Slow down there, tiger," Michael just makes it into the elevator, leaning against the wall, trying to catch his breath.

Luke laughs at him, "Sorry for walking so fast, the large crowd was bothering me." Luke slips the key in the slot ((an;winks)) and walks into their room, throwing his bag on the bed and sitting at the edge.

"It's no problem, are you claustrophobic?" Michael asks curiously, setting his bag down on the other bed.

"No I love Santa!" Luke tries to joke and Michael tilts his head in confusion. "Get it? No? Sorry--that was so stupid," Luke laughs at himself nervously and Michael looks at the blonde with a fond expression.

"You're so fucking adorable," Michael comments, he didn't mean to say it that loud, it slipped. He couldn't help it. Luke had flushed cheeks permanently etched onto his cheeks, perfectly pink and plump lips, and his eyes, oh God, his eyes were as bright and deep as the ocean and every time they beamed up at him, he felt himself drown a little.

"Uh--sorry, I just made things weird," Michael said, scratching the back of his neck nervously. Luke smiled. Luke gave Michael such a genuine smile, his dimples were on full display, and Michael swears Luke is an angel sent down from heaven.

"It's okay, I think you're pretty cute too."


kelly clarkson af rn bye

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