five !!

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she's kinda hot iS MY FUCKING JAM

i said before that i would have michael play soccer but i have changed my mind (sorry)

Day 4.

Today, to Luke's dismay, they were going to the beach. Luke really wanted to go to The Magic Kingdom, but that was on Day 6.

A girl that Michael previously had a 'thing' with had her boobs nearly popping out of the bikini she was wearing. She had gorgeous long brunette hair and green eyes that sparkled in the sun.

Luke sighed sadly, of course he was developing a crush on the boy with red hair. Michael had always seemed to go for the same types of girls, Luke felt hopeless. Luke was blonde, he had crystal blue eyes, also, he was a boy.

"Hey, don't look so happy," Calum teased. Calum was sat on Ashton's bum, rubbing sun screen on Ashton's muscular back.

Luke looked away from the girl with her hand on Michael's bare chest. He gave Calum a small (forced) smile, he was so jealous of Calum and Ashton. They were a couple Luke knew were going to be together forever.

"Don't worry about it mate, Michael just likes the attention," Ashton gave Luke a reassuring smile, letting out a sigh of content afterwards, Calum was giving him an amazing massage.

Luke nodded and played with the string on his swimming trunks. Calum and Ashton stood up, Calum hopping on Ashton's back and the pair running into the water. Luke sighed again, going to grab headphones but a hand on his back startled him. "Hey cutie,"

Luke didn't look up at Michael, he began to untangle his headphones, mumbling out a quiet, "Hello."

"You wanna go in?" Michael pointed to the water and Luke sighed, for what felt like the thousandth time today.

"Why don't you ask Maria?" Luke snapped, his face flushing after he realized he had said that out loud.

"Luke," Michael gasped, nudging Luke and smirking at him, "You're totally jealous, aren't you?"

"Fuck off." Luke pouted, taking his tank off and getting sunscreen. "Put sunscreen on me, I don't wanna get burnt."

"I--um," Michael stuttered out, his fingertips aching, craving to touch Luke's porcelain-like skin.

"I--um, I," Luke mocked teasingly, unaware of where this sudden burst of confidence came from. "Don't wanna touch me? Fine, I'll get Calum to do it." Luke began to sit up but Michael was quick to stop him.

"No, no. I'll do it, just lay down." Michael grumbled, Luke smiled triumphantly. Luke cautiously removed his tank top, some of his confidence slipping away.

Luke was the kind of person that would always assume the worst. If someone was staring at him, he would immediately assume they were judging him and he would try to hide away. Luke always preached (to himself, and his momma) that it's so important to love yourself and not give a fuck on what anyone says, or thinks. Luke wishes he could listen to his own words.

Michael's calloused palm rubbing on Luke's shoulder made him snap out of his thoughts and let out a quiet sigh. Michael's fingers may have been short (unlike Calum's), but jeez, did they work wonders.

"You're good with your fingers," Luke blurted as Michael's fingers rubbed sunscreen onto his lower back. Michael's warm hands left Luke's body, the blonde resisted from letting out a needy whine.

"Yeah?" Michael teased with a little laugh, looking around to make sure no eyes were on them. Everyone was either in the water, or walking the beach. Michael leaned down to Luke's ear, "Good with 'em in more way then one." He whispered with a smirk, giving Luke's bum a light smack.

Luke shot up, nearly hitting his head with Michael's, "Okay, I'll do the rest." Luke mumbled, scooting away and grabbing the sunscreen.

"What? Don't want me to touch you?" Michael teased, laughing at Luke's deadly stare.

"Fuck off." Luke mumbled, for the second time that day.


Luke was still laying on his towel listening to Simple Plan, he hadn't been in the water once. That was not acceptable for Michael.

Michael hated being outside (unless he was playing soccer) but even he was trying to have some fun, so he was going to make sure Luke got in the water.

Luke didn't know someone was standing near him until his headphones were being ripped out and his light body was being picked up.

Michael began to carry Luke to the water denying all of Luke's pleads and begs to be brought back. "Please?" Luke whispered, once they were near Calum and Ash, "I'll give you head when we get back?"

Michael laughed and shook his head, whispering back, "Tempting, but part of me knows I'll be getting some no matter what." Michael said before dropping Luke into the water.

Luke surfaced with the grumpiest look on his face. His quiffed hair was now flat and Luke was pissed. "I'm going to fucking murder you!" Luke joked, nearly screaming. Some classmates turned around and gasped at the blonde boy, that was the first time they had ever heard him speak, and thats what he said.

Luke splashed Michael, and then Michael splashed Luke, but some water got on the princess (Calum), so Calum splashed Michael, and then Luke splashed Calum for splashing Michael, and then Ashton splashed Luke for splashing Calum and then the four of them were giggling and splashing each other.


"You ruined my hair," Luke mumbled, exiting the bathroom and sighing, he didn't know why, but he felt so weird leaving his hair flat.

"I know, but you look cute, come cuddle?" Michael opened his arms and gave Luke his cutest pout.

"No, you're mean and don't deserve cuddles." Luke stuck out his tongue and climbed into his own bed, turning to face the wall.

They two boys shares Goodnights and drifted off to sleep, Luke on Michael's mind, and Michael on Luke's.


Luke shot up from his bed, his hand going over his fast beating heart. He was panting slightly, his nightmare playing on a repeat in his head.

He tried falling asleep, but he knew he wouldn't be able to unless he climbed in bed with Michael. Luke padded over to Michael's bed and shook his shoulder, whispering his name.

"What?" Michael groaned, his eyes opening slightly.

Luke was fumbling with his fingers, unsure on how to phrase the question. "I--I had a bad dream, and I know it sounds dumb and childish, but, I can't fall asleep, and I--um, was wondering if I could sleep with you?" Luke rambled nervously.

All of his worries came true when Michael laughed and said, "You're such a dweeb."

Luke's face fell, and his back slumped. He nodded and stood up, "Right, sorry for waking you, I knew it was stupid."

Michael saw the hurt flash on Luke's face and he instantly regretted what he said, he grabbed Luke's wrist and tugged him back to the bed. "No, I'm sorry, that was mean of me, you're more than welcome to join me, want me to hold you?"

Luke's heart fluttered and he nodded, joining Michael in bed. "Goodnight," Michael mumbled, lazily kissing the back of Luke's neck, his arm wrapping around Luke's waist and pulling his body closer to his own.

"Night." Luke whispered back, his heart still thumping against his chest. Luke fell asleep with ease, nothing but sunshines and rainbows in his dreams.


shitty update oopsies

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