Part 15

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Jughead pov

For hours I sat here in the Wyhte Wyrm with a beer in front of me while staring at the black display of my phone and waiting for her to answer. The clock on the wall showed half past four in the morning and I was supposed to enjoy my well-earned sleep, but for some reason I was worried about Betty. I had now sent her two messages that she hadn't responded to either. She's probably asleep already but what if she isn't? My drunken state didn't allow me to just get in my car and drive to her so I guess I'll have to wait.

It's dead quiet in the bar, because the serpents have been gone for hours, leaving me and my thoughts alone. I looked at the knuckles of my hand that still had some blood on them and suddenly I thought of Betty again. Should I have really beaten this Bret ? My head screamed loud yes but another tiny voice whispered no. I followed it up and wondered what Betty thought of me and how mad she really was. This girl deserves so much better than that idiot Bret but was I so much better?

This was all so new to me and my subconscious already knew what was going on but I was still in the dark. Did I fall in love with her or is it just the fact that she is so different from the others that I feel the need to protect her? She is absolutely right when she says she makes me soft, she has me wrapped around her finger. It scared me how much she could control me and how easily she could break me. I had to admit to myself that I might fall in love with the innocent girl next door.

The loud ringing of my phone rang through the bar and made me flinch in shock. My heart jumped a little bit when I read Betty's name on the screen. Before I answered her call, I tried to pull myself together to not sound like a teenager in love who had drunk a little too much alcohol.

"Ohhh did you miss me, Betts?" I flirted after sliding the green button to the side and holding the phone to my ear, grinning like a silly boy.

"Jughead..." her voice was shaking and I knew something was wrong.

"Betty, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked anxiously and had to wait a few seconds for her answer which was anything but satisfying.

"Can you meet me outside the hospital? Right now?" A shiver ran down my spine and an uneasy feeling spread inside me.

"Yes, I'm on my way." I said briefly, hung up and grabbed my car keys. Of course, it was stupid to go out on the street in my condition, but the moment I heard Betty's voice, the alcohol that had been clouding my senses was gone.

It was not long before I stopped at the hospital where Betty was already waiting for me. She didn't look good, not that she wasn't pretty but the dark circles under her eyes told me that she hadn't gotten much sleep. Was it because of the thing with Bret?

"Hey Betty what's going on? Why should I come here so urgently?" I looked at her with a frown and saw her playing nervously with her hands while not looking me in the eye. I got closer to her, put a finger under her chin and lifted her head so she had to look me in the eyes. I saw fear but differently than normal. What was she afraid of?

"Betts... come on. Tell me." I begged her and tried to get her to finally tell me what was going on.

"Jughead... I don't know how to tell you... I think I found her..."

"Who did you find?" I asked confusedly and was not at all prepared for what she would answer.

"Your sister." My body felt numb, I was unable to move or even think clearly. Was it really possible that it was JB? After all the disappointing months of doing everything I could to find her, is she really back now?

"WHAT? What means you think you have found her? Betty please don't bullshit me."

"Jug I don't know what else to tell you, maybe you can make sure it's really her." She held her hand out to me so I could take it and follow her, but my body didn't obey me and remained motionless. When she took my hand to pull me to my lost sister, the numb feeling left me and was replaced by desperate hope. I was more than nervous as we stood in front of a room whose door was locked while Betty still held my hand in support.

"Do you want to go in alone or should I come with you?" whispered Betty, probably to not frighten me.

"No, I'll go in alone." I replied unintentionally harshly and turned the doorknob to gain access. When my eyes saw the girl on the bed, they filled with tears. It was her, my beloved sister. Of course I knew it was her, but she looked different, grown-up but in a way I didn't like.

"Jughead?" she asked in surprise, whereupon I nodded my head wordlessly, because my voice had completely failed. My sister was still alive and she was right here in front of me, I couldn't believe it, I had to touch her but for some reason she moved away from me.

"Jellybean it's me, your brother. You don't have to be afraid of me. I am so happy to see you, you have no idea how much but why don't you let me hug you?"

"You have to be patient with her and be careful." said Betty out of nowhere and stood at the door. I hadn't even noticed how she had even gotten into the room.

"Why? What happened? Jellybean please tell me what is wrong!" I asked her in a strict tone and was stopped in my rage when Betty put a hand on my shoulder to calm me down, which worked for a short time.

"Please don't be angry with her, I think she has been through a lot and I think she has something to tell you." Betty looked at her and JB's eyes widened and filled with fear. She shook her head, looked at Betty and begged her silently to say nothing.

"Now will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" I ordered angrily and looked back and forth between Betty and my sister. "Betty you tell me what's going on with her right now or by the grace of God I will make sure you do." I threatened her and had exactly the intimidating effect on her that I wanted to create.

"She is pregnant."

"SHE IS WHAT?" I stormed out angrily, hoping that I had interrogated her.

"How can she be pregnant, she is still a child!"

"So if she was honest with her age and really is 19, I wouldn't say she is still a child." Betty responded confidently and looked at me like she couldn't believe that I thought my sister was still too young for things like sex. My blood began to boil and my anger was spreading through my body at a rapid pace without me being able to stop it and of course I wasn't angry with Betty, she hadn't done anything but I certainly didn't want to take it out on my sister.

"Yes, she is 19 but she should not be pregnant yet, she is too young for a child. Since you don't have any brothers or sisters you should keep your opinion to yourself and keep your mouth shut." I knew that I was mean and overreacted but I couldn't stop what was coming out of me. Betty was obviously hurt and was trying to control her emotions with all her might but I could see her nails boring into her palms in anger and disappointment. Any longer and she will start to bleed.

"Jughead!" JB squawked at me and looked at me angrily to signal what I already knew, that I was an asshole.

"Betty, I-"

"No, Jug, I get it. I have already shown her all the possibilities she has and I will leave you alone now." Her face was completely blank and emotionless as she turned to walk towards the door but I grabbed her wrist and whirled her back until she was just inches away and I felt her breath on my skin. Without hesitation and further thought I pressed my lips to hers and kissed her. I was decisive yet tender, because I wanted her to feel how much I was attracted to her. After a few seconds I let go of her and looked into her beautiful green eyes to make sure I hadn't completely fucked up.

"Betty, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. It's my sister and I'm just freaking out." I apologized to her and hoped for a positive response from her while realizing how weird the situation was and that my sister had just seen me kissing a girl.

"Everything is fine, Forsythe." Betty grinned at me and I looked at her in shock, completely speechless.

"She just called you Forsythe." laughed Jellybean and warmed my ice-cold heart.

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