Part 8

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Betty pov

Sunday night at 23.43 I sat on my sofa and watched a new show on Netflix because I couldn't sleep after what happened at Pop's today. I still can't believe that Jughead Jones is such a big asshole. How could I ever think he had a nice side?

While I was sitting alone in the living room, Veronica and Cheryl were already in bed, fast asleep. Sometimes I envy them because they didn't think about anything and lived their lives the way they thought was right without worrying about how others found them. I, on the other hand, always try to please everyone so as not to attract attention, but is that really the meaning of life?

Deep in my thoughts, without realizing what the show was about, I didn't notice the loud voices outside my door until I heard several people shouting and arguing.

"Pea we have no other choice, he will die. Now open the damn door." I heard a woman's voice saying and I was almost sure I knew who it belonged to. I got up, walked towards the door and kept listening to the conversation.

"Pea, I warn you, if we lose him because you are too proud to let her help us, I'll kill you myself AND NOW OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" she screamed before our front door burst open with a loud crash, revealing three dark figures carrying another lifeless body. My loud scream surely woke up the whole neighborhood but I didn't care because the fear of the intruders outweighed that thought.

"Betty please help us."  Toni begged and pointed to the body lying lifeless and covered in blood in Pea's arms. I gasped as I recognized Jughead from his face and smacked my hands on my mouth. I stood there motionless and looked from him to Toni and back again. The second I looked at Toni I saw how desperate she was and that she was close to tears but I didn't move an inch.

"Please Betty, he's dying. I know you hate him but he is my best friend and I don't want to lose him, please." she cried, lost her balance and landed on the floor. From the other end of the apartment, I heard footsteps and knew that Veronica and Cheryl were awake too.

"What is going on here? Toni what are you doing here and what- OH MY GOD who is that and what happened?" Cheryl screamed hysterically and looked over at the injured Jughead with wide eyes. I had to do something quickly or he will actually die.

"Not now Cheryl! Toni even if I wanted to help him, I definitely can't do it here, he has to go to the hospital." I tried to make her understand and immediately noticed the tense attitude of the two boys. I know by now that the Serpents don't like to be helped, but this is about their leader, so why is it so hard for them?

"Betty I don't care how you do it but please do something." she cried and looked at me expectantly as if I could do magic. I reached for my phone without thinking about it and called Kevin, who I knew was on the night shift. It didn't ring for long before he answered.

"Kevin hey, no time to explain much but you have to help me. I need an O.R. but I don't want anyone to know about it. I'll be there in 10 minutes, please hurry." I ordered him by phone but did not wait for his answer and hung up.

The drive to the hospital was nerve-racking, because I was already trying to locate where his injuries were, luckily for him it was not as bad as I thought. We went in through the back entrance unnoticed and were already greeted by Kevin who gasped at the sight of Jughead.

"Betty what the hell? Is that Jughead Jones? And who are the others?" he whispered questioningly and pointed to the bunch of serpents standing in front of him, looking grumpy.

"Shhh Kevin! We don't have time. Where can I go?" We went into the room together and the serpents were about to come in when I stopped them and explained that it wasn't possible. I understood their protest but they knew it was best to let us do our work.

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