Part 11

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Jughead pov

"Damn you scared me." she said visibly scared as she tried to control her breathing. Actually I didn't mean to frighten and scare her that much but I just had to run after her because I didn't think it was a good idea for her to walk home all alone in the middle of the night.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you but imagine what would have happened if it wasn't me who scared you but some other horny guy who wants to get into your pants." I tried to make her understand that not all people were as nice as me, although I wasn't sure if she would call me that.

"I always walk home alone when I am not driving, even at night. So what is the problem? This town is so small, nothing ever happens." she snarled at me and was about to push past me until I grabbed her arm to pull her back in front of me.

"You think nothing happens in this town? How naive are you? Nearby there is a whole pack of men waiting for you, who would surely like to taste a piece of the girl next door. We are in a place where little girls are kidnapped and maybe forced to do things they don't want to do. So you tell me, is this town really that safe?" I snapped at her, turned and wanted to walk away when she found her voice again and said, "You mean your sister, don't you?" Shocked and confused at the same time I turned back to her and stared at her stunned.

"Who told you about her?" I asked angrily, walking threateningly towards her, forcing her to stumble a few steps backwards until she felt the cold glass wall of a bus station at her back. My stone-cold gaze urged her to tell the truth right away.

"Toni, she told me when I asked her about the bracelet. What happened to your sister?" she asked anxiously and courageously began to take a few steps away from the wall again.

"It's none of your fucking business." Without another word I decided to leave her alone and go back to the bar. Yes, I was reluctant to leave her alone in the dark night, but my anger about that someone outside the serpents knew about my only weakness blinded me. No one should know that the love for my sister was my kryptonite. Despite the rage I felt, I couldn't help but watch Betty from a distance. I knew exactly how dangerous it was because I was usually the reason for it.

10 minutes after our argument she had almost reached her destination. It would have been only a few more blocks but out of nowhere a dark figure jumped into her way and blocked her exit and not 2 seconds later another man came out of nowhere and stood triumphantly smiling in front of Betty. I knew exactly who they were, which made my blood boil even more. I had actually thought that my last announcement to the two had been clear enough but apparently it wasn't.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?" said the taller of the two with a dirty grin on his face as he wandered down her body with his eyes. This scenario was simply repugnant to me and with quick steps I reached Betty and once again placed myself protectively in front of her.

"Jones!" they gasped simultaneously.

"Mantle. Clayton. I'm not exactly pleased to see you back in Riverdale, and on top while you're harassing a woman. What's going on in that tiny brain of yours?" my voice was like poison and I grinned when I noticed them taking a few steps back. After all these years I still had the same effect on them and my ego was getting up to full size. "Cat got your tongue? You're still the same two idiots you were in high school, dumb as a bag of hammers and now get the hell out of here before I get violent." I yelled at them and made them run away without a word while I heard Betty exhaling with relief behind me.

"So and now you tell me again that this town isn't dangerous. Do you realize what could have happened if I hadn't been there? Those guys there are real assholes and they won't stop at anything, especially not a pretty blonde like you." I admonished her and waited for an answer from her, but it never came. Instead, I saw her tremble and she wrapped her arms around her petite body. "Betty is everything okay with you? You are trembling, here take my jacket." She fought back at first but after I gave her a stern look she gave in and slipped into my leather jacket, which was much too big for her but still looked damn good wearing it. I lifted her chin with my finger so she looked me in the eye while I silently asked her to tell me what was going on.

"Thanks Jughead." she said simply and looked to the side again to avoid my gaze.

"Betty tell me what's going on right now. Where is your attitude from before? Did those two trigger something in you that scared you so much? You can tell me."

"No, it's all right. It's just some bad memories came flooding back, that's all. I have to go." she said hurriedly and ran towards her apartment. Of course I couldn't let her go alone, no matter how much I wanted to avoid her. I wanted to make sure she got home safely and besides I was worried about her.

"Thanks Jug, for walking me home. You didn't have to do that." she started when we stopped in front of her building and she took her key out of her pocket. I noticed the nickname and I smiled as it came from her lips.

"Jug, huh? I like it. But it makes me sound kind of harmless, don't you think?"

"Well, you're not in my presence, so...? I think I'm making you soft." she answered again with self-confidence in a cheeky tone as she turned around to push the key into the lock. I think I have to teach her a little lesson about her behavior towards me. I pulled out my knife silently from my pocket before closing the gap between us to press her back against my chest. My hand was under her breasts and exerted a light pressure on her while my knife found its way to her throat. The whole thing happened so fast that she could hardly react to my action except to gasp. With my hand on her stomach I felt her breath accelerate, giving me a satisfying feeling of superiority.

"I think you should watch what you say, Betty. Just because I find you attractive doesn't mean I couldn't hurt you." I whispered in her ear whereupon she whimpered or moaned, I wasn't quite sure. What I was sure about, though, was that I was quite turned on by our little interaction.

"Please, don't hurt me." she now whimpered clearly as her whole body tense with fear. I ended my little game by letting my knife wander from her flawless skin to her perfect ponytail. Where, with one skillful movement, I cut her scrunchie, causing her beautiful blonde hair to wrap around her shoulders in light waves.

She again gave a sigh of relief and I spun her around so that her face was inches away from mine. Now my breath became faster and faster and the desire to kiss her grew from second to second. Her green eyes pierced me with an intensity I couldn't cope with and I felt a warmth inside that I had never felt before.

"Jug? You wouldn't hurt me, would you?" she whispered softly and put a hand on my chest.

"No Betty, I won't hurt you, never." I answered her question and couldn't resist pressing my lips against hers immediately and making our tongues dance with each other.

If someone had told me a few weeks ago that I was making out with someone from the northside in front of their house, I would have probably laughed and beaten them up. It felt like the first time I got kissed, although obviously not true, but with Betty it was something very special. We were both completely in our own world, while our desire and passion went hand in hand in the sunrise. We were rudely interrupted when we heard a honking sound right next to us. In the accompanying car were 3 speechless and open-mouthed looking women whose shock was more than visible in their faces.

"Betty?" exclaimed Veronica confused, turned off the engine and got out of the car while Toni and Cheryl were still unbuckling.

"I think I'll leave you girls alone. Good night Betts." I grinned, gave her one last kiss and left her stunned, knowing that she was still wearing my jacket. I disappeared into the dark night and asked myself what I was getting myself into. She has a power over me that I couldn't describe and that made my knees go weak as soon as she was near me.
Am I really falling in love with Betty Cooper?

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