the time we shake part 4

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Armin's pod~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"EREEEEEEEEEEN Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" "doesn't leave me....." that was all I could say as I watched all of my squad mates die. Mina and everyone else are dead and yet I have yet to ask myself

Why am I just standing shaking watching my friends get eaten? Why? I am drawn out of my thoughts when the same bearded titan picks me up by my uniform and lowers me into his mouth but then.


Connie swiftly grabs me and takes me to the top the HQ building. "Armin are you ok? Are you hurt?" I stare blankly with my visions slowly getting blurry but my vision focuses on Connie shaking me to come to my senses "comes on pull yourself together what happened to your squad?" "Squad?" At the realization of what had happened I break down and start screaming "AHHHHHHHHH USELESS DOLT! JUST DIE FUCKING SHIT HEAD!" I say as I have my hand against my head that is looking down onto my knees " get it together where is everyone?" Connie asked Yumir gives Connie a cold look 'that's enough they got wiped out we don't have time to waste on him" "Shut up HE HASN'T SAID ANYTHING YET! " "Anyway can you stand Armin you can just stay here Armin" I look up at Connie feeling terrible at the lost of my dearest friends me and Eren were supposed to see the outside world together and see the thing that they called a ocean. Even back then when we were kids they would help me out and be the hero but......I couldn't do anything in return " its fine ill go to the rear end" I then zip off to the rear end blood spattered everywhere I turn my head.

This is hell ,no wait... this hasn't become hell I just had the wrong perspective this whole time the world has always been.............hell a world in which the strong devour the weak a world so perfectly simple but my friends tried to live strong in this world.... They held out a helping hand to a weakling like me I couldn't stand that... to those two I have always just been something that I wanted to live with the strength those two had, I wanted to live as their equal some good that did......

As I think to myself I continue to carry on to the rear end but my grappling hook misses the wall so much for being their equal

Because of me eren and Y/N are....

I snap out of my thought and see Hanna giving Franz torso CPR when he is obviously dead "Hannah what are you doing?" "Armin help me Franz isn't breathing I have been giving him CPR over and over again BUT FRANZ IS...!" She said frantically while trying to help Franz back but he is already gone..... "

"Hanna this place is dangours so let's hurry up and..." I am about to fin shish my sentence my am interrupted by a heart broken Hannah who is desperately trying to bring back the already dead Franz "BUT WE CAN'T JUST LEAVE FRANZE HERE!" Hanna yells desperately while she is still trying to help Franz " but Hannah Franz is already.....please stop its useless" I say as I put my hand over my eye that are jetting out tears by the second everything is hell the weak are devoured by the strong that's how it's always been...

TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I regroup with all the other cadets and sit down thinking about Y/N and Eren when Mikasa calls for me

Desperately "Armin" crap how can I look her in the face? I don't even deserve to be alive if id knows it would have come to this I should have just died with them........

"Armin are you ok? " Mikasa continues to ask but I hang my head low as tears stream down my face and the thing I feared she would ask me the most was about Eren. "Where Eren andY/N?" I look up at Mikasa and she jerks up in surprise when she sees the tears streaming down my face I continue to cry as I speak "our 34th unit Thomas wager, N-Nic tius , Mylius zuramuski , Mina Carolina, Y-Y/N and Eren Y-YEAGER h-have all furfilled their dutties a-and died heroic deaths I-in battle " I continue to ball my eyes out as I hang my head low.

"I-I AM SORRY they died because o-of me I couldn't d-do anything" When I look up Mikasa shows no emotion and wear scold oldxpression almost lifeless..." Armin this isn't the time to be emotional its okay take deep breath..."

"Let's go we can replenish gas and climb the wall sound correct?" Mikasa says everything in a serious tone not acting like her usual self. "Even with you with us there is just too many "macro states

"We can do it.... I am strong stronger then all of you extremely strong I can kill all those titans even if I am alone your ether incompetent or spineless cowards how paretic you can sit here and suck on your fingers yeah, do that!"

Micas 3dmgs to the next wall and everyone follow her to protect her as do I


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