22 | reasons

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hi. how are you feeling today?

its okay if you do not know or even try figuring it out.

some days could be good, while some could be worse.

and then there comes those days when you really feel like there's no reason to go on, cause life is so void.

you feel like there's no one to love you that we are not worthy of anything that we get.

i know how it feels, i have been there too.

but don't run away yet! i.. i have something to tell you..

i wanted to give you some reasons.


you might think what reasons i am coming up with and what are the reasons for but trust me it'll make you smile. even if its a small one.

i know there are days you feel unworthy of existence and it can feel awful. but what if i told you some reasons to be alive?

reasons to be alive? bruh, get to the point already!

i can almost hear you saying this while i go off track again.

okay, so the next time you feel like you want to end your life, do this five things for me, okay?

» tell me about the 5 people you can't really live without
» tell me about the 4 things you love doing
» tell me about the 3 feeling you are having right now
» tell me about the 2 goals that you always wished to complete
» tell me about the 1 person who changed your life in a better way.

although you might not want to tell me, does writing down or just taking your mind off that topic make you feel better? do you need some hugs? or we can prepare some food together. Even if it is virtual.

hang on a bit there.
things will be better soon.
i love you.

please stay for me xx

~ stranger

~ stranger

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