28 | checking in

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hey love,
how are you doing today? please don't say i am fine, when you're not. if you had a great day, i'll be here to listen to your happy ramblings. if not, and you don't know what to say either, its okay too. i'll share your silence. i'll comfort you in whichever ways you feel good.

do you want to have some drink or food together?
- we could do a video call and enjoy

do you want to watch movies/series together?
- yes, we can watch your comfort show too

tell me what makes you feel loved, and although i cannot be there physically, i'll try to be still there for you

tell me all that troubles you, we can sob about it together
tell me everything that runs through your head, lets play some games together, let's just be... in the moment.
idk what's happening in the world anymore, but i promise to be there for you, just take one step at a time,
lights will guide you home,
and i'll try, to be for you :)
and oh, please don't buy into the accuse that you need some fixing, no. you don't! you're enough. you have always been enough.

~ stranger

soo, i know a lot many things are going down, and tbh i have no idea how to wrap the information around my head anymore. covid, deaths, bigotry, hate, racism, fascism, anti-semnitism, and so much more. just here to tell ya that its okay if you don't take part in the activism. performative activism that includes as simple as educating yourself on something is still better than namesake one. take care, stay safe y'll. if you lost someone dear, my condolences are with you.

Cheers to Self Love ✓Where stories live. Discover now