6 | letter to my life

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dear life,

we haven't talked in eons, or have we? i can't tell anymore.

i came here to thank you for everything that you've given and taken. you see, i was always innocent and naive, not that i am not anymore, but things are different and i know myself better. i feel lonely at times when i look back and miss precious moments and precious people mostly.

i lost countless people and I am still losing more. but people have stopped being so important for me. they come, they go and some stay. there are some worth counting on, but soon, they fly away too.

i decided to walk away when i needed them and that made me feel hallow all over again.

no one really stayed in my life and made me feel complete and angelic, except my dad.

he had a magical aura flowing around him i really miss all the bedtime stories, the pampering and most importantly, the love. he was a pure angel in my life and i strive to walk down his path of goodness.

it wasn't even about all the things he bought me, it was about the genuine love behind those actions.

but life took him, perhaps, it needed a pillar too, and having a stronger need.

i have a lot of people who love me and sometimes, it all feels bleak again cause sadness be engulfing me.

but that doesn't mean they don't matter too, they do. a lot. and if they know, they'd do their best to help me. i just don't feel like burdening them.

anyways, i do want to thank for all the people you bought in my life and all the people you took away from my life, they all matter.

awaiting what you hold for me.

with sincere love,
stranger ❤✨

with sincere love,stranger ❤✨

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