17 - Partying & Pleasantries

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So I'm going to take a few ideas I read and try and mash them into a blurb, enjoyyy

Also, who's P.O.V should be next? Todohoeki or Thotsuki? Or both?


Izuku's P.O.V

Currently my friends and I were getting ready to go out. Despite us being rather anti-social and closed off to people who weren't apart of our friend group, we all enjoyed partying every once in a while. Something about dancing with a light buzz in your system, the sweat that rubbed down your body, the intimacy of the way we danced amongst each other under the heated gaze of the audience struck our fancy.

Bella and Stella were especially fond of partying, and were the ones who agreed to the invitation after staying dormant for over a month.

Honestly I'm surprised they lasted that long.

It was late, nearing eleven, when we all had dressed. Class 3-A were in their rooms as far as I was concerned. Or not, didn't matter as long as they didn't bother me.

I was the last to get ready along side Bella, who took her sweet time stalking over to everyone to make sure they looked 'hotter than a fucking gas explosion'.

As always, she never failed to impress. One glance at my friend group was enough to make anyone question their sexuality, choice in partner, and dump a shit ton of 'insecurity is a bitch water' onto their heads.

Because we were hot.

My hair I left in it's wild array of curls, obscuring parts of my vision as it draped over my emerald eyes. I tended to be very sparing when it came to makeup, keeping it simple with mascara and a light tint of blush. If it weren't for the bold, sharp and long black wings of eyeliner I'd perfected drawing over two years of tantalizing practice, you couldn't tell I was wearing much. I adorned a loose fitted, black cropped shirt, plain and simple with a short, tight fitted black denim skirt and long fishnets that I borrowed courtesy of White. A thick leather collar wrapped itself around my neck and earrings of all sorts accessorized my ears. My favorite would be the long, black snake that coiled itself around my ear. I finished it off with clunky black boots with short, two inch heels making me stand a little taller. My tattoo was visible and bold across my arm, contrasting my slightly pale, soft skin, and as always, I rocked my black septum.

I whistled when we walked to meet everyone, "damn we look fine."

Aiko and Eli were coordinating, but then again, when did they not. Aiko wore a cute, tight navy mini dress and thigh high black boots. She topped it off with a lose black jumper, intricate navy lines swirling at it's back. Never one for makeup, she kept her face bare aside from the little heart drawn at her cheekbone. Her long, tumbling hair was left to rest at her shoulders, untouched, the messy look suiting her greatly. Eli wore a button down of the same navy colour, with black denim jeans and simple black boots. A matching jumper was tied at his waist, and he adorned a heart just above his cheekbone as well.

Stella as always, looked like she was unworthy of anyone's time. She wore blue jeans, slim fitted and ripped at the knees, exposing pale, pretty skin. A tight fitted, lace singlet clinged to her petite figure, blood red in colour. Her arms were brandished with bracelets of all sorts, and her she left her hair fall to one side. Opting out of the glasses, her illuminating blue eyes were wide and blinking, extenuated by warm eyeshadow and thick lashes that fluttered every time she blinked. Replacing her signature cross earing for big, silver skulls, she topped everything off with long, blood red heels. I'd be damned to find out how she mastered those.

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