20- Truth or Dare (2)

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Did I go on an unplanned HIATUS. Maybe...I'm sorrryyrryryryryryry. Anyways, this book is coming to a close soon. So here's the end of the party, please enjoy! ANDSADHAJKSDHKJASHDKJASHJDHH (this keyboard smash is for the reads because holy-fuck) thankyou thankyou thankyou!

But, but but, I did good on my hiatus. I'm now a proud part of the ENBY community with the pronouns she/they! I'm still trying to put an exact label on my sexuality, so right now I'm sticking with Queer! AnYwaYs discovering these things made me really happy and sduhskjdhjshdhsk

okay okay, here's your chapter, babes!


Third Person P.O.V

"Who's next?" Izuku asked, leaning against his boyfriend.

"I'll go," Todoroki said, his words slurred. He held a bottle of tequila in his hand and no one questioned how he got it. He seemed to be letting loose, "I pick dare."

Izuku and his friends, who were less hostile towards Todoroki after finding out the truth, perked up.

Izuku wasn't stupid. Todoroki was still at fault, regardless of the reasoning. But it was a sort of comforting closure to know that it wasn't entirely a situation of Todoroki losing his interest. He glanced at his boyfriend. Not that it mattered, but it was still nice.

"Okay, Freezer Burn," Bella cocked an eyebrow, "strip and take a head dive into the pool in the back."

Todoroki looked contemplative, "and if I don't?"

"Make out with a random stranger for at least ten seconds, it's your choice, pretty boy."

Todoroki hummed, taking another swig of the bottle before setting it on the floor and standing on his own two feet. He walked over to a random stranger, tapped their shoulder and whispered, "can I kiss you?"

The boy blushed a furious red and nodded. Todoroki cupped his cheeks and pulled him messily, their lips crashing in a way that was violent and sloppy. The Fallen Sins cheered, Eli and Izuku wolf-whistling as Todoroki brought that manhandled that poor boy. Class 3-A watched in shocked silence. To see the emotionless, stone-faced Ice-King of the class act so inappropriately was startling.

It seemed that the Fallen Sins really brought out the worst in people.

"Okay Freezer Burn, time's up," Bella shouted. Todoroki clumsily pulled away, dragging a finger down the boy's chin before taking his seat and grabbing the bottle. He took a sip and smiled clumsily, "he tasted like shit."

The poor boy had collapsed the second Todoroki let go and was thankfully out of earshot when he said that. It was like he was an entirely different person.

Izuku snorted, "honest as ever, dude."

"My turn!" Denki exclaimed, "I choose dare my guy."

"Strip," Todoroki answered, "into your underwear and go around asking people to rate you out of ten, your dare isn't over until someone either rates you a one of ten people rate you a ten."

Denki's cheeks blushed a blonde, but he complied, snatching the bottle out of Todorki's hands and ignoring the little whine built in his throat. He handed it back after taking a long gulp.

"What the fuck do they call it? Liquid courage?" He mumbled, more to himself than others.

Mina cheered, "damn, babe. No wonder you have Shinso all weak in the knees."

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