10 - Deku?

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So, I won't be able to update as frequently seeing as I have a shot-ton of school work. Honestly, fuck senior year and senior deadlines, shit is killing me. I'll try to update as frequently as possible tho! Also, feel free to leave comments about cute 'IzukuxAtlas' scenes you'd like me to include. Fluff sennnddsssss me.

Oooh, should Izuku forgive Todobitch or not? IRL I love Todoroki and tododeku has my heart and soul but...idk I just wanted him to be the bad guy.


Todoroki's P.O.V

When Aizawa sensei had told us that we would be residing at a friend's house, my interest had piqued. They had to be generous and somewhat naive to allow ten hormonal, angry, emotional teenagers stay at their place. My belief in the person's character only strengthened when we were told that they would be away on a trip during our stay, leaving the house to her son who was apparently our age.

Aizawa was staying at an inn, plainly stating that he would rather 'listen to Present Mic scream for a week straight than babysit us teenagers without the assistance of other adults.'

He also threatened expulsion if anyone got out of hand, and Iida was given the role of 'dictator' and was to report to him if someone were out of bounds.

"Okay, here is your stay," we all stepped out of the van to see a large, pretty house.

"Wow!" Kirishima mused, eyes sparkling, "It's huge."

Aizawa sensei walked us to the door, pulling out a key from his pocket and unlocking the door. The inside was stunning, marble floors and a simple yet elegant design. The house was themed around warm autumn colors standing out against white walls. The lights flickered open, bathing the house in a comforting orange glow.

It felt welcoming and cozy despite it's size.

"Okay, the son should be here in a few minutes to show you to your rooms, just wait around and don't break anything, I'm leaving."

Aizawa sensei walked away tiredly, leaving us alone in the stranger's house.

"Why don't we all sit on the couch in the living area as we wait?" Iida suggested.

"Don't tell me what to do, four eyes," Bakugo grumbled, but nonetheless walked over to the large couch. The ten of us fit comfortably, with their still being space for another two or three people.

"What do we do? I'm bored," Denki groaned.

"Talk among yourselves, Aizawa sensei said that the son will be here soon to show us to our rooms," Iida instructed, chopping the air before taking a seat in between Uraraka and Yaoyorozu.

Two hours had passed and there was yet to be any sign of the son.

At this point, Bakugo was angry, half the class was exhausted, and the other half were hungry.

Iida refused to allow us to look for food in the kitchen as it was 'impolite'. Yet the look on his face also proved to show that he was frustrated and hungry too.

"Iida I'm going to get food, this dude is taking forever," Denki whined, ignoring Iida's protests entirely as he wandered around looking for the kitchen. When Iida realized he was being ignored, he sighed, defeated.

"Come on, let's all look for the kitchen to find food, I'm sure no one will mind," Uraraka voiced. Everyone nodded in agreement, aside from Iida, who looked more exhausted than the lot of us, and followed Kaminari. It took us seven minutes of aimless wandering before we stumbled into a clean, large kitchen.

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