Chapter 14

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| Revised Chapter |

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| Revised Chapter |

Stiles POV

I walked out of the Animal Clinic and jump into my Jeep.

"Home right?" I look at the beautiful girl sleeping in the passenger seat next to me. "Right," I whisper then drive her home.

I park in her driveway and get out of the car and walk over to her side. I slowly open the door so her head doesn't slump over. I lean over her sleeping body and unbuckle her seatbelt, the lift her tiny body up in my arms.

I kick my car door shut gently, and make my way to her front door.

"Hey, Stilinski! What the hell are you doing with my girlfriend?" Layla's asshole of a boyfriend shouts, while exiting his shiny porshe.

"Uh, she fell asleep in my car. I didn't want to wake her up," I calmly reply, trying to make as little noise as possible.

Jackson's stony exterior softens as he looks at Layla's sleeping body. "Thanks man, I got her from here." He takes Layla from me and pulls out his keys and opens her front door. "Don't think just because I was nice to you that I like you, Stilinski." Jackson speaks, before he shuts the front door.

I smile and shake my head. "Right back at you Whittemore."


Layla's POV

I open my eyes and rub the sleep out of them. I go to roll my body over to the other side of the bed, but I bump into a body. Instantly, I smell Jackson's cologne and I relax. I look over at him to see him already looking at me.

"I'm sorry I'm such a dick," He softly apologizes while stroking my hair.

"Yeah, me too." He rolls his eyes and smiles. I peck him on the lips when get out of bed. "Wanna go rent a movie? It's late but I don't want to sleep yet." I question while putting my shoes back on.

"Sure, but I'm not driving."


"The Coogers is not only the best basketball movie, but it's the best sports movie ever made," Jackson argues in the passenger seat while I keep my attention ahead of me.

"That's nice babe. But we aren't watching it."

"It's got Jane Hackmen and Dennis Hopper in it."

"The answer is and will always be no."

"Layla, I swear to God, your gonna like it." Jackson practically begs from beside me, but I hold my ground.


"I am not watching the Notebook again!"

I glance at my boyfriend from the corner of my eye, a smug smirk plastered on my face.


Jackson POV

"Can somebody help me find The Notebook?" I ask pondering through the movie store.

I look around trying to find help. "Hello? Is anybody working here?" I get no response, only a flickering light and a phone ringing in the back. "You've gotta be kidding me."

I start walking down the isle way looking for a employee and I see feet sticking out from a shelf. I freeze in place, my heart instantly beginning to beat much faster than normal.

Out of curiosity and a bit of concern I walk further to investigate the situation. Only to see the body of a man with a scruffy beard and deep claw marks embedded in his neck.

"Oh my god," I chant while walking backwards to get out of the store, but accidentally bumping into the ladder behind me. Both me and the ladder fall to the ground.

All the lights in the store flickers off and I instantly curse at how stereotypical this is.

I finally regain my footing and I hear a deep growl from behind me. I slowly turn to face the noise. Two beady red eyes and a large, dark black body crouched on the ground staring at me like a lion stalking its prey.

I hide down behind a column of movies and hope the monster doesn't find me. I creep my head past my barrier and see a dark body jump from behind one wall of movies to another.

I breath out heavily, trying to keep my heart from beating so loudly, adrenaline fakes over my body when the movie wall I'm hiding behind starts to shake and the movies fall around me.

When I realize the movie stands are falling down like dominos, I attempt to jump out but my legs get caught underneath. I silently try to pull my legs out my the pain stops me from doing so, small whimpers of pain attracting the animal that was the cause of this whole mess.

But then I feel the harsh breathing on the back of my neck, my adrenaline kicks in and I try pulling harder, to no avail.  It's claw runs over the back of my neck, pulling down the collar of my leather jacket and looks at the scratches on my neck. Then jumps away from me.

A few seconds later I hear the breaking of glass and Layla's deafening scream, making my body tense. "Layla!"


Layla's POV

My hands shake as I fumble with my phone, trying to keep my mind off the previous events. I was sitting on the back of the ambulance car waiting for the police to arrive. Jackson places his hand on top of mine, a silent gesture to calm me down.

I look up to see Sheriff Stilinski walk up to us and Jackson immediately speaks up. "Why the hell can't we just go home? I'm fine."

"I hear you," He speaks, his greying hair styled up in a way that made him a little younger than he was. "—but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard. They just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion."

Jackson takes his hand off of mine and raises them up in front of him. " What part of I'm fine are you having a problem grasping. Okay, me and my girlfriend wanna go home. "

"Okay and I understand that." The sheriff calmly replies.

"No you don't understand!" He suddenly shouts, stepping forward. "Which kind of blows my mind because it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum wage rent-a-cop like you. Okay now I wanna go home!" Jackson yells at the last sentence making me shake again.

"J-Jackson, just calm down please. He doing his best," I try to comfort while placing a shaky hand on his shoulder.

He turns around quickly and gently sits me back down. "I'm sorry babe, just hold on a second." He whispers before kissing me quickly. I nod and I try to calm down but my anxiety spikes when I hear Stiles.

"Whoa, is that a dead body!" My breathing starts to increase and Jackson grabs my purse quickly, shuffling through the contents trying to find my inhaler.

When he finds it he shakes it up and shoves it in my mouth, the presses the button so I inhale the medicine. His cold hands run over my cheeks as I hold my breath, allowing the medication to take its course.

Jackson turns back to the Sheriff, lifting me up so I can snuggle to arms. "Can we just go please. She needs to rest." Sheriff looks past him, watching the medics who were further occupied with other things and just nods and allows us to leave.

"Hey Lays?" Jackson asks in from the drivers seat of my car.


"Next time, can we just home?" I snort at his ability to joke at a time like this, but nod my head.

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