Chapter 18

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| Revised Chapter |

Layla's POV

"I just don't get where the hell you could've possibly run off to at two in the freaking morning Layla!" Jackson yelled at me the moment I stepped through the front door of my own home. I'd completely forgotten he was here and when I slammed the from door he seemed to be there to see me within seconds, frown lines creased in his forehead.

"I wanted ice cream."

"For five hours?" He retorted not believing my lie.

My hand touched the rails, my feet trailing up the steps quicker than I thought possible, and I realized his feet weren't following mine. "Yes, for five hours."

"Fuck this, I'll see you at school." He slammed the door behind him, making me flinch.

He didn't even say thank you.

"You're welcome babe, for letting you cry on my shoulder and sleep over my house when you were intoxicated. Your welcome for the water and Advil I left you for you to help your hangover that is probably still there. Your welcome for the coffee and muffin that I'm about to purchase for you, because you always forget to eat breakfast." I mutter while stomping to my room.


My heels clacked on the ground as I held the bag and cup of essentials that I knew Jackson would need. I walked over to his locker and waited until he closed it.

"What Layla?" He grunted while shoving his books in his bag.

I rolled my eyes at his attitude, not taking to heart the hostile tone that resided in his voice, knowing that he'd get over it sooner or later. "I know you have a hangover and I know that you hate me. So, I brought you a coffee and muffins to help."


"I know, I even brung mint gum, to help with the coffee breath." I interrupted, tucking the Polar Ice gum into his bag pocket before he could protest.

He stared at me long and hard, then snatched the items from my hand. "Thanks."

"Your welcome." I speak in a singsong voice, while he walks away from me to go to class.

As I went to grab my books from my locker, I saw Scott walking past me muttering incoherent words.

"Hey Scott!" But he only turned away from me.

"Oh come on!" He shouted.


Scott's POV

I sat behind Stiles, his face was turned into a scowl, his brown eyes avoiding mine at all costs. He was angry at me because of the fact that I skipped school to spend time with Allison for her birthday and when there was an accident I saved Allison and his dad got hit by a car. "You still not talking to me?" I waited to see if he would answer me, but was disappointed when he didn't. "Look can you at least tell me if your dad's okay?"

Still no answer.

"I mean, it's just a bruise right? Some soft tissue damage? Nothing that big?" My words faded out when I realized that he really was angry with me, this wasn't just some stupid fight. "You know I feel really bad about it, right? Okay, what if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out and I went to Derek for help."

His hands twitched for a second, then capped highlighter that he was using on the book laying before him. "If I was talking to you, I'd say that your an idiot for trusting him. But obviously I'm not talking to you." Stiles finally spoke before the bell rang.

"Well, he did bring Layla along, and she's pretty convincing. And really, really strong now that I think about it." I watched Stiles squirm in his seat at the mention of his long time love.

"What'd he say? What the hell was Layla doing with him?" Stiles asked, his self-control evaporating completely.

A smile spread across my face.

I had my best friend back.

We walked out of the class and Stiles was practically shouting down the hallway. "He wants you to tap into your animal side and get you angry?"


He nodded to himself, thinking hard about something. "Alright, well correct me if I'm wrong but every time you do that. You try to kill someone, and that someone is usually me."

"I know," I drawled out in embarrassment. "That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can't teach me. I have to be able to control it."

"Well how's he going to be able to teach you to do that?"

I'm quiet for a moment before telling him the truth. "I don't know, but Layla might. She's been helping him." I speak thoughtfully.

"When are you seeing them again?"

I shrugged. "He told me not talk about it."

"When?" He insists.

"They're picking me up at the animal clinic after work." I reluctantly reply.

"After work, alright well. That's gives me 'till the end of the school day then."

"To do what?" I question not really wanting to know his answer.

"To teach you myself." He says then walks away leaving me wondering how the hell does he plan on doing that


Layla POV

"The what of who?" I ask my friend while eating the few remaining pieces of food on my plate.

"The Beast of Gevauduan." Allison boasted, reading further into the book to read facts about it. "—La Bette killed over a hundred people, becoming so infamous that the King Louis the Fifteenth sent his best hunters to try to kill it."

"I don't like history. It's boring." I replied only listening to half of what she said.

Allison ignored my comment, reading further into the book that she'd received from her Aunt Kate. "Even the church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan," Allison continued trying to capture my interest to no avail.

"I talk about myself enough."

"A zoologist believed that it may have been a subspecies of a predator."

I rested my hand on my chin, eyes closing as I faked falling asleep. "Slipping into a coma because this is so incredibly boring."

Allison's voice lowered, taking on a dramatic tone that didn't make the story any more interesting than it was when she first started reading. "While others believe it could be a powerful sorcerer who could shape-shift into a man eating monster."

"What does any of this have to do with your family?"

"This, it is believed that La Bette was finally trapped and killed by a renowned hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first of all to kill the creature." Allison paused for effect then looked up at me with a blinding smile. "His name was Argent."

I raised my eyebrows, throwing my plastic fork onto the tray. "So, your ancestors killed a big wolf."

"Not just a big wolf," Allison said slightly offended. "Take a look at this picture. What does it look like to you?"

I looked at the picture, only to see the same thing I saw jump out of the video store. The flashbacks of the red eyes tormented my mind.


"Looks fake. If you wanted to scare me Ally, you can do a bit better than some mediocre picture of a bear."

She held her book closer to her chest, rolling her brown eyes. "It's a wolf."

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