Chapter 35

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| Revised Chapter |

Layla's POV

"You guys will go to the hospital and find out what the hell this whole thing is about, I have to go but I'll call you right after." Derek nodded, but Stiles looked hesitant.

"Where are you going?"

I bent over, tying my shoes that had come unraveled. "Dance recital and after that, I'll tell you both what I am, seeing as thought I found out last night." Both, Stiles and Derek opened their mouths to ask what. I raised my hand to silence whatever question they had. "But that doesn't matter right now. I have somewhere to be and so do you two."

I drove quicker than usual to my house, running up the stairs and ignoring Lydia who was sitting on the couch watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

As I was changing into my costume, my phone rang and I hurriedly accepted the call and held the phone between my ear and shoulder not really checking the caller ID.

"Where are you?" Jackson's voice questioned me through the phone, making me freeze momentarily.

I continued to slide my nude tights on while I responded to his question. "Well, if you were listening, which you probably weren't. I have a dance tonight, and I'm not missing it." I took a second to figure out why I was talking to the jerk, but I found no valid answers. "Why the hell did you call me anyway?"

"Because I thought that maybe you'd come to my game. You're my good luck charm."

My lips pursed together at the hopeful tone in his voice, but in the background I could hear the clattering of equipment and the loud chatter of eager players waiting to sink their cleats into the field. "Not anymore."

A hand found its way on my shoulder. "I'm proud of you babe, that asshole had it coming for him," Shanel praised, her hair very curly for the number that she was performing. She came to my house to get ready and it'd taken us half hour to make it to the stadium we were performing at.

"I just, I hate feeling weak. And, that's the only emotion I feel when I'm around him. Weak." I clenched my jaw in anger at the whole situation. "I refuse to feel weak anymore." A cough from beside me grabbed my attention.

Will was standing there in his costume, his hands were shaking while he waved me over. "What's up?" I asked after I jogged over to him.

"We're next, and I'm pretty freakin scared."

I smiled at his nervousness, it was refreshing to see that. Someone who wasn't a hundred percent sure of their abilities, someone who wasn't so cocky. "You'll do great. I won't you let you fall to hard." I added, cracking up at his offended expression.

He placed his hand over his heart, acting hurt. "I feel so attacked."

"Not yet, you don't. Wait 'till you meet my brother, then you'll feel attacked."

"Up next, Will and Layla!" The announcer yelled into the microphone. Will and I walked out there and stood in position while the lights were still dark.

I exhaled a breath, the music started, and I finally felt at peace for the first time in a while.


Scott's POV

"Did you get the picture?"

"Yeah I did, it looks just like the drawing," Stiles replied, referring to Allison's necklace.

"Is there something on the back of it? There's got to be something, an inscription, an opening, something!" Derek interjected, his voice raising higher and higher.

"No, no the thing is flat. And no it doesn't open. There's nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing," I replied then started speaking to Stiles again. "—and where are you? You're supposed to be here. You're first line," Coach smacked me on my head grabbing my attention.

"Where the hell is Bilinski? Huh?" I shook my head in response and he walked away.

"He said you're not going to play if you're not here to start."

"I know! Look if you see my dad can you tell him tell him I'll be there just a little bit late okay?" I complied and he thanked me and hung up. I dropped my phone in my bag, when I caught back up Jackass was sitting by me.

"Is the bite that does it, isn't it?" I looked around the bleachers at all of the people who were cheering on their kids or siblings or partners, not paying us any attention.


"Well, then it's easy." Jackson snarkly replied.

He wasn't thinking it through, all he wanted was the power the bite gave. Jackson wasn't even taking the time to think about the terms and conditions, the fine print that binds him to the full moon, forcing him to test his strength. He wasn't allowed to do anything that would raise his heartbeat too high or get too angry in fear for harming someone else.

"No it's not. I can't be the one to do it. It has to be it has to be an Alpha."

"Well then get him to do it," He declared, as if it was that simple.

"I don't even know who he is," Jackson gave me a disbelieving look and I raised my voice to make my claim. "Trust me, this whole thing is so much more complicated than you think. There's others. There's hunters."

"What hunters?"

"Werewolf hunter's," I revealed. He already knew about werewolves might as well tell him about hunters too.

Jackson laughed at me, obviously not believing what I said. "You're kidding me."

"No, jerk off! There's a whole family of them, and they carry assault rifles do you get that? Assault rifles!" I wailed silently, subconsciously looking back at the Argents. Who consisted of Chris, the dad. Kate, the aunt, and Allison my ex-girlfriend.

Jackson looked at where I glanced at, noticing the Argents like I did. "Them?" He questioned while pointing discretely.

"What, no."

"That actually makes sense. Allison Argent," He stressed and I stared at him confused. "Oh my God, you don't get it, you've been with her this long and you've never actually asked her. Her name! Idiot." I stared at him wondering where he was going with his rant. "Do you know what Argent means in French?" I shook my head no, and he laughed at me. "It means silver."

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