Chapter 9

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|Revised Chapter|

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|Revised Chapter|

3rd POV

Layla strutted into the cafeteria, catching the greedy eyes of males as she grabbed her food then took a seat over by Scott and Stiles—a decision she didn't realize she was making until she walked past her usual table and sat across from Stiles.

"We'll figure this out." Stiles said to Scott. She plopped her tray of food down on the table and sat in he flimsy plastic chairs.

"Figure what out?" Layla spoke while staring at each guy who returned the eye contact with their mouths wide open.

"Homework." Scott covered sounding more believable than he thought was possible.

Stiles cheeks were filled with tater tots which was why when he not-so-discreetly whispered to Scott, Layla could hear everything—and even see the small chewed pieces of baked potato fall onto the table. "Why is she sitting with us?"

No one was able to answer when a bunch of the popular guys just came over and sat down with them, surrounding Layla and the boys, seeming comfortable with the move. Allison sat by Scott and some creep on the team say by Layla, his greedy brown eyes staring down her shirt to see more than intended. Danny sat in front of the brunette, smirking lightly as she rolled her eyes.

"Get up," Jackson demands to the creepy guy sitting by his girlfriend.

"How come you never ask Danny to get up?" He whined, not wanting to move away from the beauty who was ignoring the situation like it wasn't even happening.

"Because I don't stare at his girlfriends coin slot," Danny muses then looks at her, exchanging a humorous glance. The guy gets up and Jackson sits down and lunch continues, small conversations stirring up.

"So I hear it's some type of animal attack." Danny says referring to the bus driver who was mauled in a bus the night prior. His body was taken into an ambulance during class and now everyone won't shut up about it. "Probably a cougar."

"I heard mountain lion," Her boyfriend says trying to sound smarter.

"A cougar is a mountain lion," Layla corrects subconsciously.

"Who cares. The guy is probably just some homeless tweaker who's going to die anyway." Jackson responds with an attitude.

"You sound so compassionate, babe." Layla sarcastically tells him while taking a small bite of the green apple.

Jackson shrugged his leather clad shoulders, using his fork to push around food on his plate. "I try."

"Actually I just found out who it is. Check it out," Stiles informs while showing everyone his phone.

A video shows us a closer look and when it finishes Scott looks stares back at us with a shocked expression on his face. "I-I know this guy."

"You do?" Allison questions worriedly.

"Yeah, I use to take the bus when I lived with my dad. He was the driver."

The brunette fumbles around with her salad fork, twisting the plastic between her fingers. "Can we talk about something more fun please? Like, oh, where we going tomorrow night?" She asks Allison who looks back with wide brown eyes. "You said that you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?"

"Um," Allison stuttered, trying to find a polite way to tell Layla she didn't want to make it a group effort, that it was mean to be a date. "—we were thinking about what we were gonna do."

"Well I am not staying home again watching Lacrosse videos, so if the four of us are hanging out we are doing something fun," Layla rambled, wondering if one of them are going to stop her from crashing their date. Like seriously they need to grow some balls and say "Layla we are going on a date. No Laxson allowed."

Is that so hard?

"H-hanging out?" Scott stammers and looks at Allison who shrugs. "Like the four of us. Do you wanna hang out, like us and them."

No, no I don't. "I mean yeah, sounds fun."

"You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork."

"That does sound fun, almost as fun as it would be when my boyfriend finally finds time to come to my dance competition. In two weeks," Layla boldly states while staring at Jackson with a challenging look.

He looks back at her the same way a smug smirk on his face "No." She tenses and glance at Danny and give him a 'I told you so' face.

"How about bowling?" The subject is quickly changed before the tiny dancer was given a spare second for her eyes to start to tear up at the fact that her own boyfriend was insanely selfish and won't support her even thought that's all she did for him without complaint. "You love bowling."

Jackson rolled his blue eyes at them, his voice holding a high level of cockiness. "Yeah with actual competition."

"How do you know we aren't real competition?" Allison buts in trying to keep the attention off of Layla who was taking deep breaths, trying to control herself in front of all those people. "You can bowl right?"

"Sort of." Scott doesn't meet her gaze and from across the table, Stiles stares at his best friend with half-slitted whiskey brown eyes telling him to get out while he still had the chance.

Jackson pushed his bowl away from him, leaving ample amount of food untouched and moves closer to the table so he is closer to Scott. "Sort of, or yes?"

Scott took the challenge, standing up to meet Jackson confidently. "Yes. In fact, I'm a great bowler."


Scott's POV

"You're a terrible bowler!" Stiles announces loudly while we walk down the stairs.

"I know! Im such an idiot." My hands find themselves in my hair, tugging at the pieces to try to relieve the stress hat I put on myself just to impress Allison.

Stilinski groaned. "God, it was like watching a car wreck. First it was watching the whole group date thing.  And then out of nowhere there comes that phrase."

"Hanging out." I all but shout in outrage.

"You don't 'hang out' with hot girls. Okay? It's like death. Once it's hanging out you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out."

"How is this happening?" I ask no one really in particular. "I either killed a guy or I didn't."

Stiles didn't listen, getting side tracked by his own words. "I don't think Danny likes me very much." He spoke, recalling the look of annoyance Danny gives him every time he saw Stiles.

"I ask Allison on a date and now we're hanging out."

"Am I not attractive to gay guys?" He blurts out randomly.

The more I rant, the faster I walk and I'm closer and closer to the front doors. "I make first line and now the team captain wants to destroy me and now?" I look down at the watch on my wrist. "Now I'm late for work."

"Wait Scott! "He yells after me, his voice carrying loudly, but everyone was used to Stiles and his shouting so nobody turned to give him the time of day. "Am I attractive to gay guys? You didn't answer my question." Stiles mutters, knowing full well that I'm not answering that.

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