Making Up

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Preference: When you make up

👾Mina Ashido👾

"Okay, that's it!" you shouted. After a week of avoiding each other you were done. You were ready to put your pride aside and apologize. You walked over to her and grabbed her arm. "Hey!" You ignored her as you dragged her away from her group of friends. "I'm sorry, okay!" She looked surprised. "I'm sorry. I was stupid and I didn't listen and-" "Hey, it's fine. I'm sorry, too." You spread your arms and Mina hugged you. "I was wondering when you'd apologize." "Shut up." She laughed and squeezed you.

🐸Tsuyu Asui🐸

You were in English class when you fell to the side out of your chair. At first, no one thought anything of it. You didn't sleep at night so you sometimes fell asleep in class but would get up and back in your seat. You didn't this time and Tsuyu quickly ran from her seat over to you. Yamada ran over to check on you too. You were brought to Recovery Girl and your father and Tsu refused to leave your side. When you woke up your dad immediately wrapped his arms around you. "Everyone told you to stop over working yourself." "I'm sorry." "You should've slowed down." "I'm sorry." "You shou-" "I'm sorry!" They both froze. "I'm sorry. I just..." You sighed. "You just?" Tsuyu joined in. "I wanted to be good enough, okay? I wanted to make you proud," you threw your arm towards your father, "and I just wanted to be someone you deserved." You threw your arm towards Tsu. "I'm sorry." Your dad wrapped his arms around you. "You don't have to do anything to make me proud. You are the best daughter I could ever ask for." He stepped away and Tsu laid down next to you. "You're perfect how you are, kero." "Really?" She nodded and laid between your legs before leaning back. You wrapped your arms around her and looked at your father. He smiled at you. "Where's my kid?" Yamada yelled as the door slammed open. "She's not your kid, Hizashi." "Might as well be!" You laughed with Tsuyu as the two friends argued.

⚡Denki Kaminari⚡ Your P.o.V I'm going to have the Overhaul fight first. If you want to skip it then there will be a space to show were you can skip to.

"I can't believe we left Suneater!" I shouted. "You heard Fat Gum!" Eijiro yelled back. "St-" I stopped. "Ruby Riot, what are you doing?" Fat Gum cried. "Eraser!" I shouted as I shoved my teacher out of the way. The wall that suddenly shot at Aizawa now rushed at me instead. I hit it with my palm and sent it flying back to the original wall. I put my hand on the wall behind me and the entire hall began to shift. "I didn't want to do this now because I wouldn't be much help later." I grunted and my arm trembled when the villain tried to overpower my Quirk. "Nice try but I'm stronger." I felt something hard hit my body before feeling something soft wrapped around me. "Okay," I groaned, "maybe not." "What are you two doing?" "I jumped out to protect (Y/N) but I guess we got sucked into your fat," my twin answered. He had curled around me like a shield. "No offense, but when it's phrased like that it's kinda gross," I said as he got up and then pulled me to my feet. Not long after we were attacked. Eijiro used Unbreakable but was sent flying. When the rapid punches were thrown at me and I ended up landing next to Eijiro and smacking my head against the ground. I tried to push myself up but pain shot through the arm I used to protect my face, both my sides, and my head. I groaned and fell back down. "That's a fun feeling." "(Y/N)!" Eijiro ran to my side. "I'm fine." The fact that I was struggling to stand probably hurt my statement. When the guy with the shields started talking shit I exploded in a way that would make Bakugo proud. "Shut up! Listen here you toucan looking bitch, you don't know what your talking about!" I got an idea. "Besides, the only reason you're winning is because you're cheating!" I turned to the big guy. "Wreck it Ralph, weren't you going on about how weapons were like cheating? You're hiding behind his shields like a coward. You might as well be using a gun." The realization hit him and he and Fat Gum fought again. Eijiro jumped in and was about to deliver the final blow but a shield formed around Ralph. I ignored the pain as I jumped to my feet. I felt the sudden rush of adrenaline and couldn't stop myself. A huge pillar of rock formed behind me and sharpened into a spear that quickly and easily pierced though the shield. I created a wave of rock and it crashed down on both of them, ending the fight. I fell to the side and let my eyes close.

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