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A/N: Tokoyami x reader. I can never write a long Tokoyami one.

"I can't believe it..." (Y/N) mumbled. Fumikage looked away from the box he was taping shut and turned to them.

"What do you mean?" he asked. (Y/N) shrugged and picked up a box but Fumikage was quick to take it from them.

"It just seems like yesterday we were at U.A. and now we're leaving," (Y/N) explained. "And we have our own apartment now. We're on our own." Fumikage put the box on top of the other and wrapped his arms around (Y/N).

"Are you worried?" he questioned.

"A little but I'll never have to worry too much with you by my side." He smiled as he looked away at their words and gave them a small squeeze. Fumikage nuzzled his beak against the side of (Y/N)'s head before backing up and grabbing the two boxes.

"I'll bring these down." (Y/N) nodded and continued to pack. The two were packing up the things Fumikage left at home after they moved to the dorms. He didn't need everything when he went there so it went into storage. They had already cleared out (Y/N)'s house and most of the things in their dorms.

"What are you?" (Y/N) muttered as they pulled out a book. They opened it and was immediately met with a picture of a newborn Fumikage being cradled in his mother's arms. They realized it was a photo album and decided to sit down and flip through.

"What did you find?" Fumikage asked as he came back into the attic.

"A photo album." (Y/N) suddenly burst into fits of laughter as they awed.

"What?" Fumikage looked over their shoulder at the image of a teary eyes four year old Fumikage with a fallen ice cream and quickly snatch the book away.

"That's enough of that." (Y/N) reached for the book.

"Come on!" they whined. "That's adorable. I need to see more." They pouted and looked up at him with puppy eyes. "Please?" Fumikage looked away for a moment, knowing he'd give in if he looked right at them. (Y/N) used that as a chance to grab the book and go to where they left off.


"Let's just take a break and look at a baby you." Fumikage hesitated but nodded and sat beside (Y/N) on the ground. "This one's my favorite right now." Fumikage sighed at (Y/N)'s small laugh at the four year old him.

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