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Preference: When they cheat

A/N: This is super long. I don't think any would cheat but I just wanted to write it.

👾Mina Ashido👾

"Izuku! Izuku, look!" (Y/N) jumped onto her brother's bed and showed him the ring she got. "Isn't it beautiful?" Izuku nodded and took the little box to examine it. "Who's it for?" "Mina." Izuku tensed and he whipped towards her. "(Y/N/N), you're eighteen! You can't... you're not..." (Y/N) hummed but then quickly shook her head. "Oh, no. Not yet. It's just a promise ring." Izuku sighed and handed the ring back. "What's with the face?" "I have some bad news." (Y/N) tilted her head to the side. "Kacchan saw Kirishima and Mina kissing." (Y/N)'s face went completely blank as she got up from Izuku's bed. "That's not a good joke." Izuku got up as well. "It's not a joke, (Y/N). I'd never joke about that." The door suddenly slammed open and Katsuki stood in the doorway. "Mina's a cheating scum bag!" he announced. "Hey, don't talk about her like that," (Y/N) ordered. "Mina wouldn't do that." She walked to the door and pushed Katsuki out of the way. "You're both being such assholes." Katsuki and Izuku chased after her, both talking over each other to try and prove that Mina wasn't being honest. "Can you two stop?" she asked. "There's nothing you can say to make me believe you." The two looked between each other before lifting her up and carrying her to Mina's dorm. "Put me down!" (Y/N) exclaimed. They did and then opened the door for her. Eijiro and Mina were quick to jump away from each other and (Y/N)'s eyes widened. "Oh..." "(Y/N)," Mina's eye darted between Eijiro and her girlfriend, "it's not what it looks like." (Y/N) just shook her head and turned away. "That's not very manly, Kirishima," she muttered as she walked off. Mina went to chase after her, maybe get down on her knees and beg her for a second chance, but stopped when she saw Izuku and Katsuki's matching evil glares. They quickly chased after her and Mina choked back her tears, shooing Kirishima away to be alone.

"Introducing Bakugo Katsuki and Bakugo (Y/N)." Mina stopped flipping through channels when she heard the two names and watched with wide eyes as the two walked into the view of the cameras. She watched (Y/N)'s every movement with a sad smile and tried to avoid looking at the arm Katsuki kept secure around her shoulders. "I didn't know they got married," she mumbled. "I didn't even know they got together." Katsuki waved his left hand in greeting and Mina sucked in a breath she struggled to let back out. There, resting perfectly on his ring finger, was a ring that could've been hers if she hadn't broken the heart of the now number two hero. Mina turned off the TV, (Y/N)'s smiling face burned into her vision. It was a smile Mina knew she could never put of her face.

🐸Tsuyu Asui🐸

"What?" (Y/N) whispered. "Ochako and I... we, um, we've been with each other, kero." (Y/N) shook her head. "No, you've been with me." "Yeah, but I was also with Ochako!" Tsuyu exclaimed as the guilt finally took her over. "We went on dates and we kissed and I told her I loved her! I did everything with her that I did with you!" (Y/N) was fighting back tears. "I'm so sorry, kero." (Y/N) shook her head again but it was much quicker this time. "You wouldn't do that," she whispered. "But I did! I did and I am so sorry, (Y/N)." (Y/N) swallowed and blinked her tears away. She wouldn't let Tsu see her anymore upset by what she had done. "If you really did all that, we're over and you need to get out." Tsuyu's feet stayed glued to the floor. "Get out!" (Y/N) shouted. The tears were back and ready to fall but (Y/N) was putting everything into fighting the losing battle. Tsuyu turned away in time to miss the first tear of many to fall. The front door closed with a gentle click behind her (Y/N) tried over and over to wipe the tears that fell and eventually jus gave up. Right now, all she wanted was her father to comfort her but he was out doing hero work so his sleeping bag would have to be the next best thing for now. Shota came back a few hours later, excited to see his daughter's small smile that always welcomed him home before he got in the shower and snuggled up into the couch. Instead, the living room was cold and empty. He looked around the bottom floor of the house before going up the steps. He lifted his fist to knock on (Y/N)'s door but froze when he heard her sniffing. "(Y/N), can I come in?" He got no response so he slowly opened the door and his heart broke at the sight in front of him. (Y/N) was curled in his sleeping bag in the corner of her room as she chocked on her sobs. She looked up at him with red puffy eyes and cried harder, opening her arms like a child who needed comfort, which is exactly what she felt like and exactly what Shota saw. Any pieces left of his heart shattered as he rushed over to pull her into his chest. "I was so happy. I felt so special." "You are special," he mumbled. "So special, so amazing." "It's not fair!" she cried. "No, it isn't," Shota agreed even though he had no idea what this was about. He sat with her and let her cry it out. He didn't know what else to do to comfort her but it seemed to work.

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