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Preference: When they find out you're pregnant. There's also a part for the girls for when you find out they're pregnant because we're pretending that's a thing that can happen. There's gotta be a Quirk out there to make it possible.

Request by: @Little_Starshine_

👾Mina Ashido👾

Her: I paced around the kitchen as I quietly said every curse I knew. "Don't say that," I ordered while pointing at my belly. "Who are you talking to?" Mina asked as she walked into the kitchen causing me to jump at her voice. "Are you okay?" "Obviously. Why wouldn't I be?" Mina looked me up and down. "You've been off all week. Is it because of work?" "Oh, I've just been doing more office related stuff then patrol and I guess it's taking a toll on me." That wasn't really a lie. I found out I was pregnant during the week and had assigned my patrols to others. The reason I was so off wasn't because I wasn't out there, it was because I had no idea how to bring this up but had planned to do it today. It just seems like such a random and awkward thing to try and talk about. There is no good conversation starter that could lead to giving that kind of news but since she was finally catching on, now seemed to be the best time. "There's nothing else?" Mina questioned. "Well..." Mina waited patiently. "I'm pregnant." Mina froze and I waited impatiently for her reaction. "See, this has been causing me panic for a week now and this reaction isn't helping." Mina seemed to finally be able to process the news I gave her. "Oh, my God," she muttered. "You okay, pinky?" "Oh, my God!" she screamed. Mina wrapped me in a bear hug and then spun me around. "I was worried it was something bad but this... this is great!" Mina put me down and jumped around me. I sighed and wrapped my arms around Mina to get her to stay still. "I'm so happy," she whispered as she buried her face in my shoulder. "Me too."
You: "Fuck you!" I yelled as I stormed out of the bathroom. (Y/N) looked up from her book with confusion all over her face. "Fresh outta UA and this is what you do?" "It's been eight years! If anything, we're more in the afterglow." She stopped and thought for a moment. "Not that our time there was that bright." "It wasn't that bad," I argued. "They're paying the therapy bills for everyone that was in our class." I slowly nodded. "You got me there." "Anyway, what are you so mad at me for? Is this because I made an ice slide for the neighborhood kids?" "No, it's not because you-" I stopped. "You did WHAT?!" I screeched. (Y/N) jumped behind the couch. "Hold on! Hold on! It's not my fault," she defended. "How is that not your fault?!" "Izuku and Shoto's kid was here and he wanted to know how fast he'd go if he went down an icy hill," she began to explain. "We don't have hills nearby so I had him make a slide out of ice so he could try it and the other kids joined in." "Why did you think that was a good idea?" I asked. "So you don't want to hear how I used my fire to blast the kids and I around the block?" I felt my eye twitch and (Y/N) sunk behind the couch. "Hey, they had fun and that's what matters!" She slowly poked her head over the couch and I tried to keep my angry face on but couldn't and began to laugh. She hesitantly stood up. "I'll admit it-" "You were angry?" she guessed. "No, I was just worried." She raised her eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. "Here." She not so gracefully squeezed out from behind the couch and I pulled her towards the bathroom to show her the pregnancy test on the sink counter. "That's why." She slowly reached for the test. "Are you okay?" She nodded but stayed quiet. "Just realizing why you were worried." I grabbed her hands and made her look at me. "I don't think we have anything to worry about." "I just told you how I could've shattered the neighborhood kids' bones and you think I can handle this for real?!" she exclaimed. "Yes," I replied, "we can. We're responsible-" "I almost set the neighborhood on fire," she argued. "-we're already pro heroes-" "-with strict schedules-" "That we have the ability to change," I continued, "and we're parent material. Especially you." She looked down and a smile slowly came to her face. "You've been parenting the Baku and Deku squads' dumb asses since you were fifteen. How different can it be?" She tightened her grip on my hands as she chuckled. "You do realize it's much easier to parent a kid you don't have to keep, right?" "Yeah, but I think we can do it." "I trust you," (Y/N) whispered. "You think we're ready, I'll believe it." She kissed my forehead before hugging me. "I'm just surprised this is real."

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