👶 Chapter 18 : This Town Isn't Big Enough For The Both Of Us Pt2/2

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👶 Chapter 18 : This Town Isn't Big Enough For The Both Of Us Pt2/2

"Ms. Webber thank you for meeting with us. I was though under the impression that your fiance would be with you." Alex Sullivan said shaking her hand.

"He is. He is running a tad behind today. Carter is a lot of things but unfortunately punctuality has never been his strong suit. A very bad habit his mother has been trying to break since we began driving." Grace said chuckling.

"My husband has a tendency to be late himself." Anna Sullivan said with a smile.

"How long have the two of you been married?"Grace asked.

"Two years. Dated for a year but we had been friends since childhood." Anna said smiling.

"My late husband Matt, Carter and I had all been friends, best friends since we were five. It's funny I never looked at him as something other than my best friend but after Matt died we leaned on each other through our grief and slowly we became more. I am forever thankful for that man in my life. He is a hot mess but I wouldn't trade him for anything." Grace said.

"Feelings mutual my dear Grace. Sorry I am late. Carter Bentley Prescott Jr." Carter said coming in the door.

"Way to make an entrance Carter." Grace said laughing.

"I aim to please." Carter said grinning.

Grace just rolled her eyes as she laughed.

"Shall we get down to business?" Alex asked.

"Yes. I know this was an odd request but it's just we were told that you were the best in country. And we want a baby so bad." Carter said.

"Can I ask why you chose us? There has to be a specialist closer to Springfield?" Anna asked.

"Well we have moved from Springfield. We are actually in Santa Monica. We moved about a month ago, too many memories in Springfield and as much as we love our family and friends they tend to hold on to the past more than we would like. We want a fresh start. California seemed like the place to be. I work from home as an Interior Designer and Carter owns his own construction company. We read that Anna was the best there was." Grace said.

"Ok. Well when can you get started?" Anna asked.

"As soon as we can. I really don't want to be in Sugar Heights longer than necessary. One run in with Marina Cooper is enough for me." Grace said.

"She's here?" Carter asked shocked.

"Yea I was never expecting to see her again. Ever." Grace said.

"Can I ask why?" Alex asked.

"I was pregnant and I had miscarried right before Matt died. Anyways Carter and I have been struggling to get pregnant since on our own and we figured it was time for Invitro if I can even carry a baby if not it is time to think of a surrogate. Either way we want a baby." Grace said.

"As for Marina we all used to be friends and she was actually engaged to Carter, the wedding was two weeks from the accident but we just ended up having a falling out. Carter ended his engagement and we focused on getting through the funeral." Grace said sighing.

"So sorry for your loss. Absolutely we can help. So Grace we need you to go change into a gown and I will be right there. Nurse Emily can you please show Ms. Webber to the exam room." Anna said.

"Yes Dr. Sullivan." the nurse replied.

"Mr. Prescott you may join her. It is perfectly normal to be anxious." Anna said.

"And how long before we know anything?" Carter asked.

"Mr. Prescott it depends if her last procedure left any scarring. If not we will do the implementation and then you will come back in four weeks to see if the egg took. So let's just take it one day at a time and start with her initial exam." Anna said.

"Ok. Ok. Let's get this thing started." Carter said.

"You sound just like my wife." Alex said laughing.

"Mr. Sullivan what is it that you do exactly?" Carter asked.

"Management. I screen potential donors to make sure that they are disease free. My parents fund the clinic so truthfully I am more the face of Sullivan Fertility while my wife does the hard work." Alex said.

"Sounds like a dream working with your wife. Grace and I try to work it where we can work together. One day we plan on opening our own firm." Carter said.

"We love it. Our daughter Mackenzie gets to have come to work day and she loves to brag about her momma. The baby miracle worker." Alex said grinning.

"Ok. Grace you ready for this?" Anna asked.

"Absolutely." Grace said.

Two hours later they left the clinic with hopes of a baby. They promised to be back in four weeks.

Written by :

Elizabeth McSwarek

Cast :

Sharon Case

Anna Sullivan

Mark Grossman

Alex Sullivan

Ellen Pompeo

Grace Webber

Eric Dane

Carter Prescott JR

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